The last couple of chapters of the Tokyo Revengers manga have been particularly eye-opening for fans. We had the chance to see the original timeline that Shinichiro risked his life to change, from the moment Mikey and his brother attended a Black Dragons’ meeting, to the reason why Shinichiro decided to time-leap.
It has been hard for fans to assimilate all the variances and divergences between the original and canon timeline of the manga. That is why, in this list, we will go through every difference between Tokyo Revengers’ two timelines. Everything from who is alive and who is dead, to the differences in the characters’ personalities will be explored below.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s opinion. It contains major spoilers for the Tokyo Revengers manga series.
Shinichiro is alive, Baji’s attitude and more differences between Tokyo Revengers’ two timelines
Toman does not exist

There are few elements as iconic to the Tokyo Revengers manga as the gang Mikey and his friends founded as kids. The Tokyo Maji gang has been a part of the series since the beginning, being at the center of most of the important events that occur inside the franchise. It is hard to imagine the series without the Toman members running around.
Sadly, in the original timeline, fans do not need to imagine such a scenario, as Ken Wakui tasked himself with creating a Toman-free world. Due to a tragic accident Manjiro was involved in during his childhood, the boy did not have the chance to create a motorcycle gang with his friends.
Most former Toman members have not even appeared in the last couple of chapters. Without Mikey around, there is no reason for the founding members of Toman to ever come together. The possibility of Toman ever seeing the light in the original timeline is slim to none.
Shinichiro is alive

In the canon timeline of Tokyo Revengers, Shinichiro is the legendary former leader of the Black Dragon gang, one of Japan’s most powerful and influential organizations.
Sadly, fans learned about his feats mostly through flashbacks and passing comments about the black-haired boy, as he died in a tragic accident before the start of the series.
Without Toman, Kazutora and Baji never had a reason to invade Shinichiro’s motorcycle shop, meaning the older Sano brother never died. Instead, Shinichiro grew up taking care of Mikey and Emma until both of his siblings disappeared from his life.
Emma ran away

Speaking of siblings, in the canon timeline of the series, Emma was Mikey and Shinichiro’s dear little sister, who admired and loved her older brothers more than anything in the world.
In the few moments that we were able to see Manjiro interact with his sister in Tokyo Revengers, the love, care, and affection the boy felt for the blonde girl was apparent.
In Tokyo Revengers chapter 270, fans were shocked when it was revealed that Emma had run away from home. It has not been confirmed yet, but it is possible that the girl became overwhelmed by the incident that left Mikey in an unresponsive state. The death of her grandfather and seeing Shinichiro overwork himself to take care of Mikey most likely also contributed to her decision.
There is no doubt in fans’ minds that Shinichiro still loves his sister with all of his heart but in the original timeline, he does not have the chance to show it. As of now, Emma’s fate in this timeline is still unknown, so fans just hope she is alright and happy wherever she is.
Takemichi and Draken never met Mikey

Amongst the former members of the first-generation Toman gang, the most iconic trio was without a doubt Mikey, Takemichi, and Draken. These three teens were as tight as brothers, to the point where Manjiro truly saw Takemichi as a surrogate older sibling.
Tragically, the three young delinquents were not destined to meet in the original timeline of Tokyo Revengers. In this timeline, Mikey suffered his accident before ever hearing about Draken’s existence.
Meanwhile, it is likely that without ever traveling through time, Takemichi grew up to be the same remorseful average young man we met at the beginning of the franchise.
Major deaths did not occur

Throughout the franchise, Mikey has been a common denominator in most of the relevant events that have transpired. Whether it be a gang fight, the death of a delinquent, or Takemichi traveling back in time, Manjiro is constantly at the center of it all.
Regardless of how important Manjiro’s existence seems to be in the canon timeline, the blonde boy is significantly less relevant in the original one. As such, most of the tragic deaths that have occurred in the manga series have most likely never happened. For example, in Tokyo Revengers chapter 270 we could see that Baji was around the age at which he died in the canon timeline.
Characters like Izana, South, Draken, and Emma were never killed, as their deaths in the canon timeline were caused by Mikey’s actions. It is almost as if the canon timeline is claiming the lives of others to allow Manjiro to keep living past his time.
Manjiro is dead

Concerning the last point, it was recently revealed that in the original timeline of Tokyo Revengers, Mikey did not live nearly as long as he did in the canon one. After the boy fell down the stairs while playing with his Concord model, he became catatonic, needing the help of Shinichiro to keep him alive.
Sadly, despite all the effort the oldest Sano brother put into helping his brother, the boy passed away while still in middle school. From the beginning, Mikey’s fate in the original timeline was to perish before the events of the manga would transpire.
Sanzu went to prison

Haruchiyo has always been one of Mikey’s most loyal and caring friends. The boy has proven his loyalty towards Manjiro several times in Tokyo Revengers. From staying by Mikey’s side even after ripping his mouth open, to begging Takemichi to stop changing the timeline, as Manjiro’s life depended on it. There is little Sanzu would not do to make sure that the blonde Sano is happy.
Regardless of Mikey’s state in the original timeline, Haruchiyo’s loyalties did not change much. When a group of his former friends started mocking Manjiro’s condition, the boy went crazy and attacked them all with a sword. No matter what happens or when it happens, Sanzu will always take care of Mikey.
Takeomi has his own gang

Besides being Shinichiro’s best friend, Takeomi was also the vice-leader of the first-generation Black Dragon gang. In the canon timeline of Tokyo Revengers, the boy continued with his illicit activities under the moral code his former gang used to follow. Takeomi only fought to protect others and hated the violent ways of the latest Black Dragon generation.
Akashi does not seem to be as interested in morality in the original timeline of the series. Not only does the young man look like a typical Yakuza gang member in the latest chapter of the manga, but he also seems to be involved in some deeply disturbing businesses. Worst of all, Takeomi himself was the one who founded this new and unknown gang.
Baji’s attitude

Fans of the Tokyo Revengers manga loved Keisuke Baji from the moment he first appeared in the series. Even when he was involved with a criminal gang, he was still one of the most caring, loyal, friendly, and cheerful people in Tokyo. He also cared deeply for his mother and her well-being, as seen in the spin-off manga of the series, where fans can see him studying hard to make the woman proud.
Unfortunately, Baji was one of the first people to die in Tokyo Revengers’ canon timeline. The boy stabbed himself to death to prevent his friend Kazutora from having to carry out the guilt of murdering him.
This only cemented how much Baji cared for his friends even further. Keisuke was willing to forgive his companions, no matter what they would do.
Baji is a completely different individual in the original timeline of the series, as proved by the latest chapter of the manga. Not only did the boy judge and insult his friends, but he also stopped going to school, no matter how his mother felt about it. Manjiro’s death truly affected Baji, causing him to become the opposite of the Baji we got to know and love in the franchise.
Final thoughts

The Tokyo Revengers manga is the perfect example of how messing with time can turn out to be catastrophic. The original timeline we have witnessed in the last two chapters of the series is completely different from the one we grew accustomed to. Our favorite characters do not act like themselves and the best moments of the series never occurred.
However, this does not mean that this timeline is worse than the canon one. Many of the worst tragedies of the series never took place in the original timeline. There is still no clear indicator of which timeline has the most desirable outcome.
We will have to see how ken Wakui develops the Tokyo Revengers manga in the next few chapters of the manga series to have a clearer understanding.