Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku arc introduces exciting challenges and developments for the main character, Hanagaki Takemichi. Episode 4 of season 3, titled Come Back to Life, continues where episode 3 left off.
In episode 3's conclusion, Yasuhiro Mucho viciously attacked Takemichi, leaving him badly battered. As he regained consciousness, a shocking sight awaited Takemichi in the form of Koko and Inupi being held captive and suffering the same brutal fate.
Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc: Hanagaki Takemichi is the traitor?
Mucho tells Takemichi about how the 5th Division of the Tokyo Manji gang is allowed a special status, which allows it do infighting. He reminds Takemichi of the time when he almost died at Kiyomasa's hand when bets were placed. He revealed that it was Mucho who informed Draken and Mikey about the betting ring.
To sum up, whenever there's a traitor in the Tokyo Manji gang, Yasuhiro Mucho and the 5th Division step up to deal with it. This contradicts the fact that Mucho is the traitor, as it was thought to be in the previous episode. This makes Takemichi wonder if he has been framed as the traitor. Inupi then converses with Mucho. He deduces that Inupi and Kokonoi were members of the 8th Generation of Black Dragon, led by Kurokawa Izana.
Inupi was a close aid to Izana. After the attack on the Tokyo Manji gang by none other than Izana, it would make perfect sense that Inupi must have some role in it. Since Inupi was taken into the 1st Division by Takemichi, it could mean they are the traitors who betrayed Toman.
Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc: Yasuhiro Mucho, one of the ghosts of the S-62 Generation
Both Kokonoi and Inupi assure Mucho that neither of the three betrayed Toman. Kokonoi speaks of how the ghosts of S-62 have started making their move. Inupi further reveals that Yasuhiro Mucho used to be friends with Kurokawa Izana and the others, who were involved in the Tenjiku attack. Mucho then himself reveals that he is one of the founding members of Tenjiku, and now that Izana has come to power, the Tokyo Manji gang is his enemy.
Kokonoi Hajime and the money-making genius Yasuhiro Mucho reveal their intentions to recruit Kokonoi Hajime into Tenjiku. Since Kokonoi follows only Inupi, it'd be a problem since Inupi is in Toman. Mucho gives Kokonoi a choice: would he die with these two or would he join Tenjiku.
In order to create the most powerful crime syndicate ever, Izana requires Kokonoi's money, Kisaki's brain, and Mikey's charisma. If Kokonoi joins Tenjiku, Mucho would release Inupi and Takemichi. Takemichi rejects this and stands up for Kokonoi. However, he is beaten up by Yasuhiro Mucho and passes out.
Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc: Inupi's wish to rebuild black dragon
When Takemichi comes to his senses, he finds himself with Inupi, all beaten up. Inupi later reveals that Kokonoi agreed to join Tenjiku in exchange for letting them go free. Inupi takes Takemichi to his hideout to get themselves treated. Inupi reveals how he used to look up to Sano Shinichiro as the leader of the 1st Generation Black Dragon.
Inupi wishes to recreate the 1st Generation of Black Dragon, which Shinichiro built, and asks Takemichi to carry on the legacy of the gang by becoming the leader of the 11th Generation of Black Dragon.
Inupi joined the 8th Generation of Black Dragon, the one led by Kurokawa Izana. However, from the 8th generation, Black Dragon fell downward, indulging in extortion, theft, and drugs. Inupi was then sent to juvie, and when he returned, Black Dragon had been crushed. In order to rebuild Black Dragon, Inupi turned to Taiju Shiba, and thus, the 10th Generation of Black Dragon was formed.
Listening to this, Takemichi shares how he relates to Inupi, as he himself has failed at protecting the people important to him. After saying this, Takemichi agrees to become the leader of the 11th Generation of Black Dragon while staying as the captain of the 1st Division of Toman. The episode comes to an end as Takemichi vows to bring Kokonoi back and destroy Kisaki Tetta and Kurokawa Izana.