Komi Can't Communicate characters almost always rely on a single gimmick or trope to be their defining personality. It is a simple slice of life anime with several comedic elements to it, so it's not a show people would think of when it comes to complicated characters.
However, even the most simplistic characters can be a joy to watch when they're written well.
Note: In the context of this article, gimmick merely refers to a character's most defining trait. It will also only focus on anime characters who appeared in the first and second seasons. The anime will inevitably get a third season, but readers should keep in mind that this article was written long before it aired.
10 of the best characters in Komi Can't Communicate and their gimmicks
10) Kaede Otori (Slow-minded)
Many Komi Can't Communicate fans find Nene's relationship with Kaede to be cute. The latter character is often slow-minded and carefree to a fault that she would get into trouble if it weren't for the former character helping her out.
It's a noticeably different gimmick compared to some of her more generic or uninteresting classmates, and it's thankfully amusing to watch.
9) Chika Netsuno (Heated rival)

Komi has several friends but only a few rivals. Chika Netsuno is one of two main characters shown in Komi Can't Communicate to act as a rival to her, with Makeru Yadano being the other. However, Chika is treated as less of a joke by comparison, and her personality is notably different compared to Makeru as well.
The character is obsessed with heat, although she's unfortunately not seen enough compared to the anime's numerous other characters to be more than just a heated rival.
8) Makoto Katai (Misunderstood delinquent)

Makoto has a face that only a mother could love. However, he isn't a bad guy by any means. Fans of Komi Can't Communicate should remember that he just has trouble communicating with people, just like Komi. Unlike Komi, he often tries to leave a good impression on people but often fails due to his rugged look.
His sweet relationship with Tadano is also nice to see, especially since it was so unexpected.
7) Najimi Osana (Everybody's friend)
The androgynous Najimi is everybody's friend in Komi Can't Communicate. It's a simple gimmick in the grand scheme of things, but it is also worth noting that Najimi'ssecond main gimmick is the gender ambiguity associated with them. Either way, Najimi is an interesting character that serves as a perfect foil to Komi's inability to communicate with other people.
6) Shuuko Komi (Forever 17)

Adult characters tend to be insignificant in Komi Can't Communicate, with Shuuko being one of the more noticeable ones. She's the titular protagonist's mother and looks nigh identical to her daughter. However, she's far more social than the rest of her family, making her a good foil to them whenever she's seen.
5) Shisuto Naruse (Narcissist)

Narcissists tend to either be characters that fans love or hate. Thankfully, Shisuto is on a comedy anime where it's played for laughs, making him another entertaining member of the Komi Can't Communicate cast. Shisuto tries to be the main protagonist of his own story, but it's quite clear that many of his classmates try to prevent him from getting near Komi.
His existence is also the only reason why Chushaku Kometani is relevant, as that character exists solely to narrate incidents involving Shisuto.
4) Nene Onemine (Acts like a big sister to everybody)
Some Komi Can't Communicate characters' gimmicks are down-to-earth and easy to understand. Nene Onemine is a perfect example of that, as she's one of the most realistic characters that viewers could realistically see in the real world. She's the oldest sister in her family and takes care of her friends whenever they need her.
She's often seen alongside Otori due to the latter character's carefree nature. Likewise, she's also cool with Komi and understands that Komi had a crush on Tadano, so she tries not to interfere in that ship.
3) Hitohito Tadano (Average guy)

It might seem strange that such a generic personality could end up being a great character, but Hitohito Tadano is instrumental to Komi Can't Communicate. He's able to play as the straight man to the colorful cast's more wacky gimmicks and antics.
Apart from his ordinary attitude, Hitohito Tadano is also very observant, often allowing him to read the room when necessary. His averageness made him unpopular among his classmates at the start of the series, but he's definitely popular among the fandom.
2) Omoharu Nakanaka (Chūnibyō)
A Chūnibyō is a Japanese term for a young teen who has an overly vivid imagination to the point of being delusional. These types of characters often come across as childish and unrealistic, but they also tend to be charming in how they take these delusions so seriously.
The most notable delusion is when she calls herself Arost Les Primavera while calling Komi Princess Komilia. Aside from that, she's a gamer girl who tends to butt heads with Yamai.
1) Shouko Komi (Extreme social anxiety)

The main protagonist of Komi Can't Communicate is, thankfully, an interesting character. Her gimmick is that she has extreme social anxiety. The show makes it abundantly clear that her terrible social skills aren't because she doesn't want to interact with others but because of a communication disorder.
Despite that crippling flaw, she still aims to make 100 friends. It's an interesting premise for an anime and considering that everything ultimately revolves around her in some capacity, that's why she's often most people's favorite character in the show.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.