My Hero Academia’s index of Quirks is incredibly vast and borderline infinite. With such a variety of Quirks on offer, some are inevitably more generally useful than others.
This is especially true if we were to consider their usefulness in daily life. While a Quirk’s usefulness is somewhat subjective, there are a few that would arguably make the daily grind even tougher than it is. However, there are also those Quirks which very clearly have a place in enhancing ones daily lives outside of activities involving "hero" work.
With that in mind, here are the top 10 My Hero Academia Quirks ranked by their general usefulness.
Warning: Minor spoilers for My Hero Academia to follow.
These 10 My Hero Academia Quirks are exceptionally suited for use in daily life
1) Air Walk

First seen used by All for One during his fight against All Might, Air Walk would be an incredibly useful Quirk for daily life. Running late for work but there’s a train crossing at the railroad you walk through on the way? Just use Air Walk and walk over it - no need to wait! It would also be incredibly helpful for cleaning around the house as well as setting up for events and other household tasks.
2) Clone

The Hero Ectoplasm’s Quirk, Clone is undoubtedly one of the most useful in My Hero Academia. With it, the user can produce roughly 30 clones which share consciousness and experiences in real time. This communication also holds up over fairly long distances, as demonstrated by Ectoplasm in My Hero Academia.
3) Warp Gate

The villain Kurogiri’s Quirk, Warp Gate allows the user to open a portal of black fog which can transport people to and from any two locations. This would be fantastic for daily life, as any commute one has to go through would essentially be eliminated. Vacation travel would also become much easier. Clearly, Warp Gate is one of the most useful daily-life Quirks in My Hero Academia.
4) Compress

The eponymous Quirk of Mr. Compress allows the user to store objects of virtually any size into small, marble-like pearls. This compression also doesn’t damage whatever is stored inside it, resulting in essentially the perfect suitcase for any occasion. This My Hero Academia Quirk would also allow the transportation of living things where it otherwise wouldn't not be allowed, such as on planes. Overall, it's an extremely useful Quirk which would make packing a work or school bag much, much easier.
5) Creation

The Quirk of Momo Yaoyorozu, Creation allows the user to use their fat cells to create objects of which they understand the atomic structure. It makes looking for a screwdriver or other household objects a thing of the past, as one can just create a new one after eating some food. It would also make for a great fix-all for emergencies, solidifying Creation’s spot amongst the most useful Hero Academia Quirks for daily life.
6) Danger Sense

Currently used by Izuku Midoriya, Danger Sense is a Quirk which allows the user to receive a sensation when something dangerous is about to happen. It is also seemingly able to sense intent and negative emotions, allowing the user to assess a situation before it even begins. While this Quirk may not be used every day, it’ll be much appreciated when the opportunity for its use arises in life-or-death situations. As such, Danger Sense is undoubtedly one of the best daily-life Quirks My Hero Academia has to offer.
7) Heal

Recovery Girl’s Quirk Heal would undoubtedly be one of My Hero Academia’s most useful in daily life. As long as the injury isn’t fatal, any wound could have its recovery window shortened or even nullified. While the use of Heal drains the treated of all stamina thereafter, the tradeoff is well worth it.
8) Manifest

Tamaki Amajiki’s Quirk Manifest is very similar to other body-altering My Hero Academia Quirks, yet gives the user control on what manifests when. It allows its user to manifest physical aspects of the food they’ve eaten through their body. The most obvious daily use would be the use of wings via consumption of eggs for breakfast, which would allow the user to fly wherever they need to. Undoubtedly one of the most creative and daily life useful Quirks My Hero Academia has unveiled so far.
9) Outburst

While the daily use of Ms. Joke’s Quirk Outburst would be somewhat vain, it’d still be incredibly useful in daily life nevertheless. My Hero Academia’s laughing Quirk Outburst forces people around the user to laugh so hard, that they become physically incapacitated. While one may not want to exercise it to this extent in their daily lives, it can be used to raise one’s social standing or to save oneself from a bad joke. While somewhat mundane, this is easily one of My Hero Academia’s most useful daily-life Quirks.
10) Rabbit

While pro hero Mirko’s Quirk Rabbit may not seem desirable for daily life, it certainly has its uses. Unlike other My Hero Academia mutation-type Quirks, the user's body doesn’t fully become that of a rabbit. Rabbit ears and rabbit characteristics are gained on extremities only, and in exchange, the user gets super smell, hearing, and large, strong legs like a rabbit, which have a plethora of uses. It may not seem so on the surface, but Rabbit is easily one of the most useful My Hero Academia Quirks for daily life.