Top 20 strongest One Piece characters on Egghead Island

Incredibly powerful characters are about to face off in Egghead (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Incredibly powerful characters are about to face off in Egghead (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

In the ongoing arc of One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Egghead, where they got involved in a complex conspiracy. As the World Government sent a huge fleet to besiege the island, the Straw Hats and their allies were forced to barricade themselves.


It was stated that the two major threats currently present on Egghead are Admiral Kizaru and CP0 top agent Rob Lucci, whom Luffy and Zoro have already started fighting. Additional clashes might be about to start, as the island is now a messy battlefield.

Zooming in on those who are currently at Egghead, this article will feature a detailed list of the strongest characters with an active role, ranking them in descending order by their overall combat prowess.


Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1092.

The 20 most powerful fighters in Egghead as of One Piece chapter 1092, ranked weakest to strongest

20) Chopper

Chopper (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Chopper (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Tony Tony Chopper joined the Straw Hats during the Drum Island Arc of One Piece. He ate the Human-Human Fruit, which allowed him to transform physical forms and gain the intellect of a human.


The doctor of the Straw Hat crew, Chopper, is a decent physical fighter who can use Rumble Balls to change his form, depending on the situation. His strongest form is the Monster Point, significantly increasing his physical might.

Upon improving the Monster Point's duration time, Chopper could fend off Queen, the third strongest member of the Beasts Pirates. However, Chopper was giving his best effort, while Queen wasn't.

19) Brook

Brook (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Brook (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Brook was originally a member of the Rumbar Pirates, whose members died long ago by either succumbing to illness or dying in battle. Brook survived because he ate the Revive-Revive Fruit and drifted around the Florian Triangle for 50 years before meeting the Straw Hats.


After joining the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook improved his control over the Revive-Revive Fruit, which allowed him to return to life after dying once. Thus, he could move his soul independently from his body, akin to a ghost.

A skilled swordsman, Brook can freeze any target he touches with his blade. Brook beat Zeo, an Energy Steroids-boosted Fish-Man, and Donquixote Pirates officer Giolla. In Wano, he defeated a Number and three Gifters with just a single attack.


18) Nico Robin

Nico Robin (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Nico Robin (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Robin first appears as an antagonist in the Arabasta Arc of One Piece and is one of only two persons who can decipher Poneglyphs. The archeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nico Robin, employs the Flower-Flower Fruit to sprout duplicates of her body from any surface within range. Generating limbs in giant-sized or massive numbers, she can overpower most opponents.


After the timeskip, she learned to create clones of herself and use Fish-Man Karate-style attacks. In Dressrosa, she intercepted and restrained Cavendish in his Hakuba form. In Wano, she beat Beasts Pirates officer Black Maria, although only after a tough battle and with some help from Brook.

17) Franky

Franky (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Franky (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Regarded by most One Piece fans as the fifth strongest Straw Hat, Franky is a cyborg whose bionic body is equipped with various weapons. Most notably, he can use the Radical Beam, a destructive laser beam that, should it hit the target, can injure fighters above Franky's pay grade.


Franky can also employ a particularly tough mecha, the General. After the timeskip, Franky overwhelmingly crushed Baby 5 and Buffalo and beat Donquixote Pirates officer Senor Pink. In Wano, he one-shot a Number and convincingly defeated Sasaki from the Beasts Pirates' Flying Six.

16) Doll

Doll (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Doll (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Doll's exact capabilities are yet to be revealed in One Piece, but, being a Vice Admiral, she is guaranteed to have at least decent proficiency with Observation and Armament Haki.


Doll grievously injured a Mark III Pacifista, which is even tougher than the previous Pacifista cyborgs, with a simple kick, without even using Haki. Thus, she likely possesses notable physical strength and Rokushiki mastery.

15) Jewelry Bonney

Bonney (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Bonney (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Bonney, one of the Eleven Supernovas of the Worst Generation, holds the powers of an unnamed Paramecia-class Devil Fruit. As such, she can freely manipulate the aging process of organic and inorganic matter, including her own body.


Her powers enable Bonney to cripple her foes as well as alter objects by either increasing or decreasing their age. She can also use these powers to disguise herself. However, she needs to touch the target to use her abilities physically.

14) Stussy

Stussy (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Stussy (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Fast, cunning, and a highly skilled Rokushiki master, Stussy is strong enough to be an elite agent of CP0. However, she is loyal to Vegapunk, who created her as a clone of Rocks Pirate member Miss Buckingham Stussy.


She can put people to sleep by biting them. She also wields a Seastone item that enables her to knock out Devil Fruit users upon contact. Exploiting these tricky abilities and the shock caused by her sudden betrayal, Stussy promptly took down fellow CP0 elites Lucci and Kaku.

However, Stussy confessed that she would never try to fight them fairly, implying that Lucci and Kaku are stronger than her. Stussy couldn't properly block Lucci when he attempted to kill Vegapunk. She could only act as a human shield for her creator and ended up knocked unconscious by Lucci's strike, even though he only used a mere Finger Gun, executed in base form and likely without adding Haki.


13) Sentomaru

Sentomaru (Image via Toei Animation, One Piece)
Sentomaru (Image via Toei Animation, One Piece)

Sentomaru is Dr Vegapunk's personal bodyguard and the Commander of the Navy's Science Unit. A very proficient Armament Haki user, Sentomaru can put up an exceptionally sturdy defense.


He can even hit his enemies without making physical contact with them by empowering his sumo-style open-palm thrusts with the Color of Armament. Despite his prowess, however, he ultimately stood no chance against Lucci and, later, against Kizaru.

12) Doberman

Doberman (Image via Toei Animation, One Piece)
Doberman (Image via Toei Animation, One Piece)

A firm believer in Absolute Justice, Doberman is among the most seasoned Vice Admirals. He fought the whole Paramount War in Marineford and left the battlefield without any visible injury, proving his combat prowess.


The full scope of Doberman's abilities is unknown, but he was seen wielding a katana, which suggests that he is a mighty swordsman. Moreover, as a Vice Admiral, he is bound to be a skilled Armament and Observation Haki user.

11) Jinbe

Jinbe (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Jinbe (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

A former member of the Seven Warlords, Jinbe is among the Straw Hat crew's top fighters. He is known as the strongest master of Fish-Man Karate, a martial art that allows him to control any surrounding water source, including the water inside the enemy's body.


Combining his peculiar martial arts moves with his noteworthy Armament Haki and his natural durability and physical strength, Jinbe is a skillful warrior. A few years ago, he fought on par with Portuguese D. Ace.

During the Paramount War, Jinbe quickly overpowered Gecko Moria, a fellow Warlord. Two years later, he temporarily stopped an enraged Big Mom, blocking an attack for her. In Wano, Jinbe brutally beat Who's Who, the most prominent Beasts Pirates' Flying Six member.


10) Kaku

Kaku (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Kaku (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Two years ago, Kaku boosted his strength by eating the Ox-Ox Fruit Model: Giraffe, which enabled him to use the highly destructive Sky Slicer Rankyaku. He could also use the Four Sword Style, a swift combination of Zoan-enhanced swordsmanship and Rankyaku attacks.


Portrayed as Rob Lucci's right-hand man, Kaku rose to the ranks as one of the top agents of CP0. He became a refined Armament Haki user, achieving an Awakened Zoan form. Stussy praised both Kaku and Lucci as two mighty fighters.

A testament to Kaku's upgrade, he learned to perform the Sky Slicer Rankyaku, which he previously needed the Zoan transformation to use, while just in base form. Despite his gains, however, Kaku was once again no match for Zoro, who overpowered him without even putting in his best effort.


9) S-Snake

S-Snake (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
S-Snake (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

To make up for the Seven Warlords' disbandment, the World Government employed the Seraphim. These cyborgs combine the powers of the mighty Lunarian race, which makes them impervious to damage, with the signature skills of the former Warlords.


Based on Boa Hancock, S-Snake is equipped with Green Blood, a substance instilled with the former's Lineage Factor. Thus, S-Snake can even replicate the Love-Love Fruit.

As this Devil Fruit allows users to petrify those who feel emotions towards them, Boa achieves this result by using her beauty to affect whoever feels physically attracted to her. Similarly, S-Snake charms people who find her adorable due to her tender appearance.

8) S-Shark

S-Shark (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
S-Shark (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Being a Seraph, S-Shark boasts the trademark tremendous resilience of Lunarians. This enhanced trait allowed him to withstand Nami's special Zeus attacks and Sanji's blows without showing any sign of damage just a few moments after being hit.


S-Shark owns Jinbe's basic abilities as a Fish-Man, which he can combine with the powers of the Green Blood-replicated Swim-Swim Fruit, which allows him to swim through solid structures. As such, S-Shark can manipulate the liquified ground he creates to perform Fish-Man Karate-style attacks.

7) Sanji

Sanji (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Sanji (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Consistently depicted as the third strongest member of the Straw Hat crew, only below Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro, Sanji is a highly skilled fighter who can perform shattering kicks. During the fight with Queen "The Plague," Sanji awakened his genetic traits as a Vinsmoke.


He gained a sturdy exoskeleton, massively boosting his durability, and learned to use a superior version of the Diable Jambe, the Ifrit Jambe, which allowed him to overwhelm Queen. In Egghead, Sanji fought multiple times with S-Shark.

Sanji couldn't really hurt the Lunarian-amped Seraph, but he impressively withstood his attacks, blocking them with his exoskeleton. Allegedly, it was implied that Sanji couldn't win against Lucci, as he didn't dare attack the latter even though he injured a woman, an action that usually triggers Sanji's angered reaction.


6) S-Bear

S-Bear (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
S-Bear (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Being enhanced with the DNA of King, the latest Lunarian survivor, the Seraphim cyborgs have unreal durability, to the point where Luffy likened their resilience to the mighty Kaido's after repeatedly failing to injure them with his attacks.


S-Bear, the Seraph based on Bartholomew Kuma, can use a Green Blood-replicated version of the Paw-Paw Fruit. This power allows him to repel anything he touches with his pads as well as perform Kuma's techniques, including the Ursus Shock.

5) S-Hawk

S-Hawk (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
S-Hawk (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

S-Hawk, the Seraph based on Dracule Mihawk, appears to be the strongest among all Seraphim. With a single strike, the cyborg cut Amazon Lily's biggest mountain in half, forcing Blackbeard, an Emperor, to cover himself in Armament Haki to withstand the hit.


Additionally, S-Hawk can further boost his attacks with an artificial replica of the Dice-Dice Fruit. S-Hawk has exceptional resilience due to the Lunarian DNA he is empowered with. He suffered no wounds despite being targeted by ravaging attacks by Blackbeard and Zoro.

4) Rob Lucci

Lucci (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Lucci (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

An exceptional Rokushiki master who can even perform the Rokuogan, Lucci can further amp up his prowess using the powers of the Cat-Cat Model: Leopard Zoan Fruit. He fought fiercely against Luffy two years ago, pushing him to his limits and beyond.


During the timeskip, Lucci developed his Armament Haki and evolved his Devil Fruit powers, achieving an Awakened Zoan form. Together with CP0 elites Kaku and Stussy, Lucci headed to Egghead, where he had a rematch with Luffy, now an Emperor.

Impressively, Lucci clashed on par with Gear 5 Luffy in Armament Haki and physical strength. Lucci also used his speed and power to attack Sentomaru, breaking through the latter's masterful Haki defense and defeating him in a flash.


Still, as soon as Luffy started using more force, Lucci became overwhelmed. After having temporarily allied with the Straw Hats, Lucci reneged on the truce and tried to kill Vegapunk. He badly wounded Stussy but was stopped by Zoro, who challenged him to a fight.

3) Roronoa Zoro

Zoro (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Zoro (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Zoro, the second-in-command of the Straw Hat Pirates, is the only crewmember who is, to a certain extent, close in power to Luffy. Like Rayleigh was for Gol D. Roger, Zoro is Luffy's right-hand man. They are the only Straw Hats who can use Conqueror's Haki and who became Worst Generation members.


As of the Wano Arc, Zoro already had enough power to threaten Kaido by Big Mom's admission. Zoro blocked an attack launched by the two Emperors and then clashed with Kaido, leaving him with a deep scar, a feat that not even four of the Red Scabbards could replicate.

Zoro then unlocked the all-powerful Advanced Conqueror's Haki, which he combined with the Advanced Armament Haki. He thus developed an insane peak of strength, which he used to brutally beat King, a Lunarian whom Kaido chose to be his right-hand man.


At present, Zoro is a master swordsman and one of the very few individuals who can use all three types of Haki. He is powerful enough to fight solid against top-tier characters, although he has yet to reach their level fully. Currently, Zoro is taking on CP0 elite Rob Lucci.

2) Borsalino "Kizaru"

Kizaru (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Kizaru (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

An Admiral of the original "Color Trio," Kizaru ended the Paramount War uninjured despite facing Marco and Whitebeard. He volunteers to stop Kaido and Big Mom from meeting, implying that he can beat one of them. Interestingly, no one told him he couldn't do that.


In the Sabaody Archipelago, Kizaru effortlessly annihilated the Straw Hat Pirates and the Worst Generation's Eleven Supernovas. Only Silvers Rayleigh's providential intervention saved them, as even the Admiral couldn't get past the "Dark King."

Owing to the Glint-Glint Fruit, Kizaru can move and attack at the speed of light, delivering crippling kicks. He can shoot destructive yet accurate laser beams and wield a giant lightsaber with incredible dexterity. Moreover, his physical strength is exceptional.


He can also use advanced Armament and Observation Haki forms, creating no-touch barriers and seeing the future to morph his body with his Logia powers. As seen in One Piece chapter 1092, Kizaru can easily beat Gear 4 Luffy, forcing him to use Gear 5. Admittedly, Kizaru's full power must be frightening.

1) Monkey D. Luffy

Luffy (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Luffy (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Step by step, after defeating Doflamingo, beating Cracker, and matching Katakuri, Luffy improved even further in Wano as he was able to use the all-powerful Advanced Conqueror's Haki, which he added to the upgraded versions of Armament and Observation Haki.


Due to transformations called "Gears," Luffy can enhance his rubber-like body's speed, elasticity, and raw strength. Upon awakening the Gear 5 form, Luffy obtained unreal powers, as he could alter his body and the surroundings following his imagination, similarly to the Sun God Nika.

After an extremely tough battle, Luffy overpowered and beat Kaido, a fantastic feat that earned him the title of Emperor or Yonko. Upon arriving in Egghead, Luffy clashed with his old rival, Lucci, once again. Initially, the two were equally matched, even though Luffy was using Gear 5 mode.


However, Luffy soon gained the upper hand, a feat he achieved without needing to use the peak of his Conqueror's Haki or put the same effort he employed against Kaido. After an inconclusive scuffle with the Seraphim cyborgs, Luffy faces Borsalino "Kizaru."

Final Thoughts

The strongest fighters on Egghead as of One Piece 1092 (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
The strongest fighters on Egghead as of One Piece 1092 (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

Despite being aboard the fleet that is now besieging the island, Five Elders member Saint Saturn wasn't included in the ranking of Egghead's strongest characters for a reason.


Recent One Piece chapters confirmed that the Five Elders are genuine powerhouses, tough enough to endure a direct hit from Sabo's Fire First without taking any damage. Their titles as "Warrior Gods" speak for themselves, as does the fact that they can access frightening transformations.

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)
Saint Jaygarcia Saturn (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, One Piece)

However, the exact extent of their combat prowess can't be gauged, especially in comparison with top-notch fighters. Saturn might be weaker than Kizaru, but he could be as strong as the Admiral or even stronger.

For the time being, no one can say how strong Saturn is, which is why he was excluded from the ranking. What's certain is that the aftermath of the "Egghead Incident" will shock the world, which implies that One Piece fans can expect big things to happen on the island.

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Edited by Babylona Bora
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