Two anime shows, Dragon Ball and One Piece, have mesmerized viewers globally for several years. Their brilliant creators, Akira Toriyama and Eiichiro Oda have forever enriched the anime and manga world through their creations. Toriyama, who passed away in March 2023, and Oda's iconic works fostered unity between their devoted fan bases. The two beloved franchises achieved legendary status, captivating millions worldwide with their gripping stories and characters.
During an old interview from 2001, published in the One Piece Color Walk 1 artbook, Toriyama had high praise for Oda and his works.
"My own son reads it": Dragon Ball's Akira Toriyama to One Piece's Eiichiro Oda
When Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, and Eiichiro Oda, the mastermind behind One Piece, had their final meeting, Toriyama expressed his profound admiration for the series. He conveyed his respect for Oda's remarkable creation and shared his understanding of why fans were enthralled by Oda's storytelling. He addressed Oda as "Oda-kun" and said:
"There's nothing else for me to say! My own child also reads One Piece really voraciously, too. So, I also read it... and I really understood why everyone was crazy about One Piece! So, just keep doing your best from now on!!"
A legendary creator acknowledging another reflects One Piece's profound impact on the manga world. Their heartfelt exchange also demonstrates mutual respect and admiration.
How the Dragon Ball and One Piece fandom reacted
On social media platforms, both fandoms celebrated the interaction and paid respects to the late mangaka and his work.
"It's literally the same energy I get from this picture. From master and student, to close friends. RIP Toriyama sensei", a fan wrote.
"What a beautiful thing to tell Oda. What a goat. Two goats at that. Rip Akira Toriyama", another fan wrote.
"Dang...that hits. No wonder Oda needed the time off to make sure he doesn't disappoint his sensei.", according to a fan on the latest One Piece manga hiatus.
The tweet of the heartwarming interaction between the creative legends Akira Toriyama and Eiichiro Oda quickly spread throughout social media. The simple exchange amassed a number of shares and reactions. Fans expressed elation witnessing this unity, underscoring how such moments strengthen the vibrant anime and manga community.
The admiration expressed by fans extended beyond social platforms. Fans from the two fandoms crafted remarkable illustrations depicting characters from both series together.
Final thoughts
Toriyama's words showed the mutual respect among anime and manga artists. The moment celebrated the enduring legacies of their works as it left a lasting impression on millions of fans worldwide. It also represented the unity they inspired among fans.