Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16, titled A Certain Student’s Secret, aired on April 22, 2024, at 11 pm JST. The latest episode sees the return of Rona and her schemes involving hyumans. It offers significant insights into Ilumgand and his past with Luria, and also reveals his connections to the Limia Kingdom’s hero, Otonashi Hibiki.
Furthermore, the episode shows Rona as the mastermind behind providing Ilumgand with the ability-enhancing medicine, further revealing her intricate plots related to Rotsgard and its hyumans. Rona's schemes place Makoto in a moral quandary regarding his intentions to collaborate with demons, presenting him with yet another dilemma.
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 16 sees Rona's comeback bringing menace to Rotsgard's hyumans
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16 opening events: Ilumgand's ties to Luria surface as Makoto reaches out to Rona
Season 2 episode 16 begins with a brief flashback of a young Ilumgand Hopleys and Luria in the Kaleneon / Aensland Domain, where they vow to fight together someday. Ilumgand also declares his intent to reform the corrupt nobility.
Returning to the present, the focus shifts to Ilumgand holding an ominous-looking amulet before the final team showdown begins. Meanwhile, Makoto reflects on his past encounter with Zara, realizing there may be some truth to his claims. Concerned about potentially betraying Rotagard by collaborating with demons, Makoto acknowledges his limited time in the city.
To safeguard his students before leaving, he reaches out to Rona, urging her to expel the demons lurking in Rotagard given the unsettling behavior of a certain student (possibly hinting at Ilumgand).
In a brief subsequent scene, Makoto shares his plans to reclaim Kaleneon with librarian Eva. During this encounter, Eva's interest in Makoto is revealed due to certain misunderstandings.
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16: Final Team Tournament begins as Makoto uncovers Ilumgand’s use of enhancement medicine and amulet
In Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16, Makoto resolves to support his students’ efforts until the end, aware of the possibility of his departure from the Academy. The narrative shifts to the Academy’s Team Combat Tournament’s Finale.
The narrative focuses on the showdown between Misumi Makoto's students, Jin, Yuno, and Izumo against Ilumgand and his team of six other students. Even before the match begins, Makoto and his followers notice Ilumgand’s use of ability-enhancement medicine/magic.
The suspicious amulet underneath his armor especially catches Makoto’s attention. Shiki discerns it's disguised to seem like it increases the user’s magic resistance, but in actuality, it serves some more sinister purpose, although even they are unable to understand what that is.
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16: Insight into Ilumgand’s past and perspective as Rona is revealed to be the medicine’s source
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16 then briefly shows a glimpse into Ilumgand's past, shedding light on two pivotal figures in his life – Limia's hero, Hibiki Otonashi, and Luria Aensland.
The episode shows the backstory of Ilumgand's encounter with Luria, which Makoto and Shiki intercepted, revealing miscommunication that incited Ilumgand's fury. Subsequently, the identity of the suspicious student who provided Ilumgand with the medicine and amulet is unveiled as Rona.
Although the present-day Ilumgand realizes that he was merely used, it proves too late as he succumbs to a blind rage induced by the effects of the medicine and amulet.
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16: Makoto’s students defeat Ilumgand’s team while the Amulet’s true nature is revealed
The storyline then shifts to the finale fight in Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16. Izumo and Yuno effortlessly defeat Ilumgand's six associates while Jin confronts Ilumgand.
Despite Ilumgand's enhancements, Jin overpowers him, with Izumo and Yuno soon joining the fray. Yuno's jump kick and Izumo's aerial attack combo deal the decisive blow, securing victory for Makoto's students.
However, although Ilumgand briefly loses consciousness after his defeat, his amulet quickly begins emitting ominous mana waves. As the amulet binds to his past emotions, Shiki realizes that it's too late to save Ilumgand, stating he is no longer hyuman and has begun mutating.
Shiki suspects Rona's involvement, elaborating on her deceitful tactics and how she may have manipulated Makoto with false promises, emphasizing the cunning nature of demons.
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16: Closing events
In the concluding scenes of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 16, Makoto doubts his previous considerations of forming alliances with demons considering the developments.
Rona's monologue hints at her sinister intentions for Rotsgard city, as she expresses satisfaction at ensnaring the King of Limia and Princess Lily in her plot. She cryptically implies that Makoto must turn a blind eye to "this" scheme if he desires collaboration with demons.
As the episode draws to a close, Ilumgand expresses his desire to apologize to Luria before beginning to succumb to the amulet. Concurrently, numerous individuals in the city also begin exhibiting similar symptoms, hinting at the widespread repercussions of Rona’s grand plan.
Related Links:
Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy- English dub cast
Winter 2024 anime on Crunchyroll
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