The first episode of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2, aka Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu or Moon-led Journey Across Another World, is set to premiere on Monday, January 8, 2024. This anime adaptation is based on the renowned light novel of the same name, written by Kei Azumi and illustrated by Mitsuaki Matsumoto. The series has also extended its influence with a manga adaptation featuring Kotora Kino’s art, serialized online on AlphaPolis’ website.
Upon its debut in 2021, the series’ first season gained widespread acclaim in the anime world. As such, fans are now eagerly looking forward to the second season. With the release date of this Winter 2024 anime approaching, the fanbase is keen to find out the exact date and time of the season 2 premiere, as well as where to stream the show.
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 1 release date and time
The first episode of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 is scheduled to be released on Monday, January 8, 2024, at 11 pm JST on Tokyo MX, MBS, and BS NTV. International fans can access the English subtitled version of the debut episode earlier, on Monday, January 8, 2024.
The timings for the release of this anime in different parts of the world are as follows:
Where to watch Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 1
Crunchyroll has secured the streaming rights for Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 outside of Asia. This means that viewers worldwide, excluding those in Asia, can enjoy the anime's first episode on Crunchyroll.
For fans in South Asia and Southeast Asia, Medialink has obtained the broadcasting rights for this Winter 2024 anime. Therefore, anime enthusiasts can catch the show on their YouTube channel, Ani-One, in most parts.
However, it's crucial to note that the series is exclusively accessible through their Ani-One Ultra Membership scheme.
Casting and staff of the anime
While Studio C2C handled the animation for the initial season, the second season of the series will be overseen by Studio J.C.Staff, with the same cast members as the debut installment. The teaser and trailer videos for season 2 showcase the remarkable animation and production quality.
The anime boasts a highly skilled team of cast and staff members, directed by Shinji Ishihira, with composition by Kenta Ihara and character design overseen by Yukie Suzuki.
The series also features a stellar cast of talented voice actors, including Hanae Natsuki in the role of the protagonist, Misumi Makoto, Sakura Ayane as Tomoe, Kitou Akari as Mio, and Tsuda Kenjirou as Shiki, among other notable talents.
The music is overseen and composed by Yasuharu Takanashi. The opening song, titled Utopia, is performed by the talented musician and singer, Keina Suda, while the ending song titled My Factor is delivered by singer and artist, Kento Itō.
Narrative synopsis and what to expect in season 2
Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 is set to span two consecutive cours, hinting at an anticipated episode count of more than 20. The storyline of this isekai anime will continue to explore the extraordinary journey of the main character, Misumi Makoto, in the fantasy land of another world.
Placed in the farthest corner from human civilization, Makoto's adventures unfold amidst demihumans and mythical beings. Viewers have expressed concerns about the pacing of the first season and the omission of certain source material events, which led to perceptions of the season being rushed compared to the manga's narrative.
Season 2 is anticipated to address and rectify these issues. There is an expectation that the second season will align more closely with the storyline presented in the manga.
Stay tuned for more anime updates, news, and manga updates in 2024.