Demon Slayer is a series that places significant emphasis on the turmoil Tanjiro experiences as he looks for a cure for his sister, Nezuko, who was turned into a demon by Muzan Kibutsuji. While Nezuko had to endure such a cruel fate, Tanjiro was burdened with the guilt of being unable to save any other family members.
However, by killing off the rest of his family, Demon Slayer missed the opportunity to showcase some intriguing battles between Tanjiro and his siblings. Given how emotional he became while fighting demons, it would have been interesting to see how he would confront his own siblings, especially if they were beyond saving.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature
Why Demon Slayer should have turned Tanjiro's other siblings into demons
Demon Slayer heavily relies on evoking sympathy for the demons in its story, often revealing their tragic pasts that led to their current situations. These demons were once humans who were discarded by society, leaving them to fend for themselves.
With no way to fight back against society's unfairness, these people were doomed to die forgotten. But Muzan gave them a chance to become demons. Desperate to change their fate, they took his offer, left their humanity behind, and went on to take countless human lives.
While searching for a demon immune to sunlight, Muzan found Tanjiro's family. He saw a potential in Nezuko that could help him achieve his long-awaited goal, so he turned her into a demon. He also killed the rest of the family to remove any threats or witnesses, leaving only Tanjiro alive because he wasn't home.
This might have been a misstep for Demon Slayer, as Muzan could have turned all of Tanjiro's siblings into demons and bound them to his service, taking Nezuko with him. This would have forced Tanjiro to embark on a journey to save his sister, while also encountering the rest of his siblings as demons who block his path.
There are instances in the series, such as with Susamaru and Yahaba, where the demons bear a resemblance to Tanjiro's siblings, Hanao and Shigeru Kamado. From their attire, hairstyle, and facial features, it seemed almost like Muzan turned more of Tanjiro's siblings into demons.
The story could have benefited from this possibility, as Tanjiro could've been forced to confront his demon-turned-siblings, who would be too far gone in their bloodlust, unlike Nezuko. This would've opened up several interesting plotlines, as the strain this would put on Tanjiro emotionally would be devastating.
The decision to kill off most of Tanjiro's family was a bold one, giving him a strong motivation to desperately cure his only remaining sister. However, having him fight his demon-turned-siblings could have added more stakes to the story.
Considering how strong Nezuko became as a demon and how strong Tanjiro grew as a swordsman, it's possible that his younger siblings could have also risen to the ranks of the Twelve Kizuki, adding another layer of irony to the story's villains. This would make the story more well-rounded and tragic.
Read also:
- Demon Slayer's emphasis on training is wasted by Tanjiro's biggest feats
- Demons can return in a hypothetical Demon Slayer sequel, and Muzan is the key
- Demon Slayer's biggest problem isn't Muzan, but part of its worldbuilding