The new Bleach anime titled Thousand Year of Blood War revealed its official trailer on July 2, 2022. This is a return for the fan-favorite anime after almost a decade of hiatus.
Thus, as soon as the trailer dropped, fans decided to showcase their enthusiasm across Twitter. This is expected considering when Bleach used to be aired regularly, it was one of the most popular anime in the entire world.
News regarding the return to television screens has been around for a while. However, most of them were rumors with no concrete evidence to support them.
Fortunately, it is not a leak or speculation this time, as the trailer has been released, and the anime will start airing sometime later in the year.
Twitter is flooded as Bleach: Thousand Year of Blood war is going to have fight scenes that are not present in the anime
The last time a Bleach episode was aired for a worldwide audience was on May 27, 2012. The "Fullbringer" arc was the final one that was telecast for fans back in 2012. However, after the anime was shut down, the developers never gave any proper reason behind the same.
Several fans believed that there were two significant reasons, one of which was the rising cost of anime production, which the studio could not withstand any longer. Apart from that, the anime was also catching up with the manga way too quickly, which is also considered one of the contributing factors.
Nevertheless, the anime was pretty good, and the animations were quite top-notch. Hence, fans have eagerly asked for Bleach to be released again, considering several other popular Shonen have already received multiple seasons in the past decade.
Thus, on July 2, 2022, the long hiatus ended, and finally, it was announced that the anime would return with the release of the Thousand Year of Blood War arc. However, it does not end here, as the author has announced that there will be additional fight scenes in the anime, which he failed to introduce within the manga.
Fans have gone berserk because it is not just the return of their favorite anime but also because it will receive special care from the author himself. Thus, fans have been consistently sharing screenshots from the trailer while showcasing an enthusiastic and emotional side of themselves all over Twitter.
It is safe to say that they cannot hold back tears of joy as they will get to see Ichigo and others back in action once more after so many years. Obviously, since it has been 10 years, the animation quality has improved drastically, so Bleach is looking to return explosively.