Ultraman: Rising is a groundbreaking animated feature that introduces the legendary Japanese superhero to a new generation. Released on June 14, 2024, this Netflix original film combines stunning 3DCG animation with a heartfelt coming-of-age story. The film centers on Ken Sato, a young man struggling with the immense responsibility of becoming Ultraman. Unlike traditional superhero tales, "Ultraman: Rising" delves into family dynamics and personal growth, focusing on the complex relationship between Ken and his father, the former Ultraman.
This unique perspective adds depth to the classic hero's journey, appealing to both longtime fans and newcomers alike. At the core of this emotionally charged story is a stellar voice cast that brings the characters to life with nuance and authenticity.
Ultraman Rising cast
Ultraman: Rising was released on Netflix in June 2024 and showcases an exceptional cast of voice actors who breathe new life into the iconic characters. This talented ensemble includes both seasoned actors and fresh voices in both the English and Japanese versions, underscoring the global allure of the Ultraman series. Their performances have been instrumental in reimagining the beloved Ultraman franchise for a new generation while respecting its storied legacy. From the protagonist Ken Sato to the supporting characters and even the kaiju, each voice actor was carefully chosen to capture the essence of their roles.
# | Character | Japanese Voice Actor(s) | English Voice Actor(s) |
1 | Kenji "Ken" Sato / Ultraman | Yuki Yamada | Christopher Sean |
2 | Professor Sato / Ultradad | Fumiyo Kohinata | Gedde Watanabe |
3 | Mina / Emiko Sato | Ayumi Tsunematsu | Tamlyn Tomita |
4 | Dr. Onda | Fumihiko Tachiki | Keone Young |
5 | Ami Wakita | Akari Hayami | Julia Harriman |
6 | Ami's Mother | Hiroko Sakurai | Karen Muruyama |
7 | Captain Aoshima | Takaya Aoyagi | Lee Shorten |
8 | Coach Shimura | Taiten Kusunoki | Artt Butler |
9 | Ito | -/- | Francois Chau |
10 | Kubo | -/- | Robert Yasumura |
11 | Chiho | -/- | Mila O'Malley |
12 | Mrs. Onda | -/- | Brittany Ishibashi |
13 | Akiko | -/- | Veronica Lapke |
14 | Bunny (Ollie) | -/- | Jonathan Groff |
FAQs on Ultraman Rising's cast
A. Netflix already has an Ultraman animated series with three seasons and Ultraman Rising is the platform’s latest variation.
A. No, Ultraman Nexus is a man. He is the titular hero of Ultraman Nexus and is the mysterious Giant of Light that bonded with multiple Dunamist.
A. Noa is known to be the oldest Ultra in existence as he is 350,000 years old, surpassing Ultraman King.