Undead Unluck is a Japanese manga series created by Yoshifumi Tozuka. The show’s setting is a blend of comedy, supernatural, and adventure. The story centers on Fuuko Izumo, an 18-year-old who has been living in isolation for the past ten years following an incident when she was eight years old that claimed the lives of more than 200 people, including her parents.
Undead Unluck main characters
Fuuko Izumo
Fuuko Izumo is a main character in the series. She was member no. 10 before becoming the Round Table leader and its number one member. She is a negator under the alias Unluck. She lived in Japan before joining.
Andy is a wild and suicidal man who works with Fuuko. He becomes interested in Fuuko because of her Unluck ability and is fixated on figuring out how to end his own life. He belonged to the 100th Round Table as Member No. 9.
Sun is the main antagonist in the series. They are known by several names, including God and The One Who Validates This World. They are thought to be the supernatural being responsible for imposing all of the rules on Earth, as they are the ones behind Apocalypse. The Union's main objective is to kill them.
Undead Unluck other characters
Here is a list of all the other characters in the series:
Character | Description | Manga Debut | Anime Debut |
Billy Alfred | Billy Alfred, the head of Under, was formerly the Roundtable's third member. He is a Negator with the alias Unfair and currently occupies the fourth seat at the 101st round table in the loop. | Chapter 8 | Episode 5 |
Ruin | Ruin, who claims to be cherished by God, is a negator. Declared "the King of Negators" by Seal, he is a well-known regulator. | Chapter 94 | |
Victor | There is mystery around Victor. He says he's Andy's original personality. He goes by "Victhor" in the Union. He goes by the title of Divine Conqueror as well. | Chapter 16 | Episode 8 |
Shen Xiang | Shen Xiang, the Negator going by the title Untruth, is member number two of the Round Table and number eight of the 101st loop. He resided in China before joining. | Chapter 2 | Episode 2 |
Juiz d’Arc | Juiz d'Arc was the founder, the first member of the Round Table, the leader and top seat of the Union, and a Negator known by the alias Unjustice. | Chapter 8 | Episode 5 |
Akira Kuno | Writing under the alias Anno Un, Akira Kuno is the author of the best-selling manga series To You, From Me. He is a negator and goes by the nickname Unknown. | Chapter 36 (Mentioned)Chapter 38 (Debut) | Episode 19 |
7th Master Rule | The seventh seat in the master room is occupied by the "Seventh Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 181 | |
Atmosphere | Atmosphere is the UMA that embodies the atmosphere. | Chapter 99(mentioned) | |
Autumn | The Concept-Type UMA that personifies the autumnal season is designated as Autumn. | Chapter 31 | Episode 16 |
Backs | Backs, better known by the moniker Bunny, is an Under member who always sports a big rabbit suit and looks like a small child. | Chapter 29 | Episode 15 |
Beast | Beast is the UMA who is a beast. "Ninth Master Rule UMA is his nickname. | Chapter 181 | |
Blood | Blood is the UMA that embodies blood. | Chapter 97 | |
Bomb | The UMA that represents explosives and bombs is called Bomb. | Chapter 100 | |
Burn | Burn is the Phenomenon-Type UMA that represents burning. After Unbelievable Arc, it was taken over by The Union and worked under Billy. After the Loop, it regained its freedom. | Chapter 9 (Pictured)Chapter 31 (Debut) | |
Call | Call is the UMA that represents the act of calling. | Chapter 9(mentioned) | |
Chane Kaiedena | Unchange, whose real name is Chane Kaiedena, is the unaligned Negator who took over Gina's position of authority. Her location served as a prize for finishing the 100th Summer Penalty quest on UMA. | Chapter 31(mentioned) | |
Change | Change is the UMA that represents change. The "Third Master Rule UMA" is another title for her. | Chapter 181 | |
Chikara Shigeno | Chikara Shigeno belonged to Round Table No. 11. He goes by the alias Unmove and is a Negator. He is presently seated at the 101st round table's 12th seat. Before joining, he resided in Japan. | Chapter 23 | Episode 12 |
Clothes | Clothes is the UMA that represents clothing. | Chapter 10 | Episode 5 |
Cloud | Cloud is the UMA that represents clouds. | Chapter 100 | |
Colour | Colour is the UMA that represents colours. | Chapter 102 | |
Crab | Crab is the UMA that represents crabs. | Chapter 138 | |
Creed Deckard | One of Under's original members, Creed is first seen helping Rip in their search for Unmove. He is currently the fifth member of the Union in the loop. | Chapter 22 | Episode 11 |
Death | Death is the UMA that represents death. She occupies the second seat in the Master Room and is known as the "Second Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 181 | |
Eat | Eat is the UMA that represents eating. | Chapter 9(mentioned) | Episode 5(mentioned) |
Enjin Banba | Enjin Banba was member number 13 of the 101st Union and number 7 of Under. The 100th Union had finished the 99th Penalty quest, and their reward was his location. But since they had already taken down UMA Burn, they refrained from pursuing Unburn. After the Sick Quest, his whereabouts was made public in the 101st loop, and the Union decided to pursue him this time. Before he awoke Unburn, he was a traveling ramen cook. | Chapter 9 (Mentioned)Chapter 69 (Debut) | |
Feng Kowloon | Feng Kowloon belongs to the group Under. He was Shen's Master in a previous life. He goes by the alias Unfade and is a Negator. Despite not wanting to join, he is presently in the 101st Union's 10th seat. | Chapter 22 | Episode 11 |
Galaxy | The Concept-Type UMA that represents their galaxy is called Galaxy. It was the 100th loop's 99th penalty added to the planet. Subsequently, it is selected as one of the 101st Loop Master Rules. | Chapter 9 (Mentioned)Chapter 19 | Episode 10 |
Ghost | Ghost is the UMA that represents ghosts. | Chapter 31 (Mentioned)Chapter 96 (Full) | |
Gina Chamber | Gina Chamber is a Negator and a former Union member who met Andy in the 100th loop more than fifty years ago. She holds the second roundtable seat in the 101st loop and is a member of the Union. She resided in Russia before joining. | Chapter 4 | Episode 3 |
Gold | Gold is the UMA that represents gold. | Chapter 189 | |
Gravity | Gravity is the UMA that represents gravity. | Chapter 100 | |
Haruka Yamaoka | The sixth member of the Round Table is Haruka Yamaoka, a Negator who goes by the name Unbreakable. He is also referred to as Yamaoka-Isshin the 13th. | Chapter 8 (With Armor)Chapter 86 (Full Body) | Episode 5 |
Heat | Heat is the UMA that represents heat. | Chapter 136 | |
Ichico Nemuri | Ichico Nemuri is a member of the Union and a Negator who assists Nico Vorgeil at his lab. | Chapter 106 | |
Information | Information is the UMA that represents information. | Chapter 53(mentioned) | |
Insect | Insect is the UMA that represents insects. | Chapter 100 | |
Jewel | Jewel is the UMA that represents jewels. | Chapter 100 | |
Julia U. Stitia | In the 101st loop, Juiz d'Arc is reincarnated as Julia U. Stitia. | Chapter 187 | |
Justice | Justice is the UMA that represents justice. They occupy the fifth seat in the Master Room and are known as the "Fifth Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 181 | |
Kaede Izumo | Kaede Izumo, formerly Kaede Akashi, is Fuuko Izumo's mother. She had been an idol in the past loop. | Chapter 1 (Flashback)Chapter 207 | |
Kain | Kain, a massive orca whale UMA that Under has tamed, goes by his nickname Kindness. It serves as the group's means of transport by water. | Chapter 22 | Episode 11 |
Ken | Ken came from Longing originally, but after it was destroyed, he was placed in The Union's orphanage program. | Chapter 13 | Episode 6 |
Kenji Yokezu | The previous owner of Unavoidable before it was transferred to Void is an elderly guy named Kenji Yokezu who likes to play the lotto. | Chapter 139 | |
Language | Language is the UMA that represents language. One other name for her is the "Eighth Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 9 (Mentioned)Chapter 181 | Episode 5(mentioned) |
Latla Mirah | Latla Mirah collaborates with Rip and is a part of Under. She is a Negator under the alias Untrust. | Chapter 22 | Episode 11 |
Leila Mirah | A girl named Leila Mirah has an undiagnosed cardiac condition. She is Rip's fiancé and Latla's younger sister. | Chapter 49 (Mentioned)Chapter 108 | Episode 24 |
Luck | Luck is the UMA that represents luck. One other name for them is the "Fourth Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 181 | |
Lucy | Lucy is a little child who Andy has saved in his journey. | Chapter 99 | |
Luna | Luna, who lives on the moon, is one of the two existing gods. | Chapter 95 | |
Luo | Luo is the senior student from the martial arts school. Shen trained in the same school, but he was never able to defeat Luo. | Chapter 58 | |
Magma | Magma is the UMA that represents magma. | Chapter 100 | |
Mei Xiang | Mei Xiang is Shen’s sister. | Chapter 57 | |
Mico Vorgeil | One of Nico Vorgeil's aides, Mico Vorgeil is a scientist who works for the Union. She is the second most skilled scientist behind Nico and also his daughter. | CHapter 20 | Episode 10 |
Mii | Mii came from Longing originally, but after it was destroyed, she was placed in The Union's orphanage program. | Chapter 13 | |
Move | Move is the UMA that represents movement. Under Juiz's leadership, The Union was able to catch and domesticate it. Fuuko, the new Union head, is in charge of it now. | Chapter 8 | Episode 5 |
Mui | In the previous loop, Mui was Shen's subordinate and the second member of the Round Table. She was a Negator under the alias Untruth. Before working as Shen's assistant at Union, she resided in China. | Chapter 4 | Episode 4 |
Nico Vorgeil | Nico Vorgeil was formerly the Round Table's eighth member. He was a Negator in the Previous Loop and serves as Fuuko's right hand when the 101st Saga begins. He continued to be a regular human scientist until the Language Arc. | Chapter 4 (Silhouette)Chapter 8 (Debut) | Episode 5 |
Past | Past is the UMA that represents an aspect of time, specifically the past. | Chapter 9(mentioned) | Episode 5(mentioned) |
Phil Hawkins | Phil Hawkins was the Round Table's member no. 4. He occupies the seventh at the 101st round table in the loop at the moment. He is a Negator with the moniker Unfeel. | Chapter 8 | Episode 5 |
Platinum | Platinum is the UMA that represents platinum. It is the Unjustice Arc's antagonist. | Chapter 190 | |
Raita Izumo | Raita Izumo is Fuuko Izumo’s father. | Chapter 1(flashback)Chapter 208 | |
Revolution | Revolution is the UMA that represents revolution. | Chapter 31(mentioned) | |
Rip Tristan | Rip Tristan was Under's member. He goes by the alias Unrepair and is a Negator. He has been placed at seat 11 and a member of The Union in the 101st loop. | Chapter 19 | Episode 10 |
Ryo | Ryo was Chikara's friend from school before Chikara joined the Union. | Chapter 23 | |
Sadako Kurusu | Kururu, aka Sadako Kurusu, is ranked eighth on Under. Before discovering Unchaste, she was adored as an idol. | Chapter 69 | |
Seal | Seal is the UMA that represents the process of sealing. It is a well-known regulator who considers itself the UMAs' King. | Chapter 102 | |
Sean Datz | Sean Datz was the holder of the 10th seat in the 101st Round Table and a member of The Union. He was officially a part of Under in the 100th loop. | Chapter 9 (Pictured)Chapter 19 (Debut) | Episode 10 |
Shadow | Shadow is the UMA that represents shadows. It is Ruin’s ally. | Chapter 97 | |
Shark | Shark is the UMA that represents sharks. | Chapter 138(mentioned) | |
Shunkai Yamaoka | Fuuko and Yusai saved the life of Shunkai Yamaoka, often known as Isshin the 12th, who was a negator and a blacksmith. He was the grandfather of Haruka Yamaoka and the holder of Unbreakable in the 101st loop. In the meantime, until Haruka reaches legal age, he becomes a provisional member of the Union. | Chapter 86 (mentioned)Chapter 146 (debut) | |
Sick | Sick is the UMA that represents sickness. He goes by the alias "Tenth Master Rule UMA". He appears as the Sick Arc's main antagonist. | Chapter 174 (Mentioned)Chapter 177 (Debut) | |
Slice | Slice is the UMA that represents the process of slicing. | Chapter 100 | |
Snow | Snow is the UMA that represents snow. | Chapter 99(mentioned) | |
Soul | Soul is the UMA that represents souls. As the head of the Master Rules, he is known as the "First Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 181 | |
Spin | Spin is the UMA that represents spinning. | Chapter 99 | |
Splash | Splash is the UMA that represents splashing. | Chapter 100 | |
Spoil | Spoil is the UMA that represents the process of decay and spoiling. He is the Spoil Arc's main antagonist. | Chapter 12 | Episode 6 |
Spring | The Concept-Type UMA that personifies the springtime season is Spring. It serves as the primary antagonist in the Spring Arc. | Chapter 31 | |
Stop | Stop is the UMA that represents the process of stopping. | Chapter 138 | |
Summer | Summer is the Concept-Type UMA that represents the summer season. It and its kids occur in locations like gas stations and firework vendors where there is an abundance of fuel and gunpowder, which they try to eat to get stronger. | Chapter 31 | |
Tatiana | Tatiana is the 100th Round Table's fifth member. She is a Negator who goes by the lias Untouchable. She was a resident of Russia before joining. She was a small child in the 100th Loop and a well-known fashion model in the 101st Loop when she was a little older. | Chapter 8 | Episode 5 |
Tell | Tell is the UMA that represents information transmission, or telling. | Chapter 100 | |
Tella | Tella was Under's second-best member and Billy's radioman when they were hired as assassins. He is the 101st loop's sixth member of the Union. | Chapter 53 | |
Tesshu Isshin | Tesshu Isshin is a Negator from the past who wielded the ability Unbreakable. His descendants call him The First. | Chapter 84 (With Armor)Chapter 92 (Full Body) | |
Thirst | Thirst is the UMA that represents being thirsty. | Chapter 100 | |
Top Bull Sparx | Top Bull Sparx was the 100th Round Table's member no. 7. He is a Negator who goes by the lias Unstopable. Before joining, he was a resident of Brazil. He acts as the primary antagonist of the Unstoppable Arc until Beast joins him. | Chapter 8 | Episode 5 |
Tornado | Tornado is the UMA that represents tornadoes. | Chapter 138 | |
Tyrannosaurus | Tyrannosaurus is the UMA that represents tyrannosauruses. | Chapter 139(mentioned) | |
Unbalance | Unbalance is an architect and a negator. Its real name is unknown. | Chapter 80(mentioned) | |
Undefinition | It is an unaffiliated Negator. Its real name is unknown. | Chapter 118 (Ability Mentioned) | |
Void Volks | Void Volks, the former number nine member of the Union, was a Negator. He was on a mission to kill Fuuko and kidnap Andy alongside Shen Xian. He is currently Number 3 on the Roundtable in the 101st loop. | Chapter 2 | Episode 2 |
War | War is the UMA that represents wars. He occupies the sixth seat in the Master Room and is known as the "Sixth Master Rule UMA". | Chapter 181 | |
Winter | The Concept-Type UMA that personifies the winter season is Winter. It once resided on Mount Ararat. | Chapter 31 | |
Yusai | Japanese samurai Yusai, who subsequently achieved the rank of No. 5 in Under, previously assisted Andy in her training. She is No. 9 of the Union in the 101st loop. | Chapter 48 | Episode 23 |
Zombies | A small group of antagonists known as zombies made their appearance in the Spoil Arc. They were formed as UMA Spoil's Juniors during Spoil's invasion of Longing. | Chapter 11 |
FAQs on Undead Unluck characters
A. The girl from Undead Unluck is an 18-year-old Fuuko Izumo who has been cursed with the power to be unlucky. Anybody who comes into direct contact with her will suffer greatly from bad luck.
A. Sun is the main antagonist in the Undead Unluck series. They are known by several names, including God and The One Who Validates This World.
A. Unidentified Mysterious Animals, or UMAs, are supernatural beings that The Union will encounter during Apocalypse's Quests.