Despite a leak from Hulu resulting in Undead Unluck episode 13 being released early over the winter break, Undead Unluck episode 13 was properly released on January 5, 2024, as originally scheduled. The episode focused squarely on the ball robot-like Union member Tatiana. Tatiana's past, powers, and real character are all shown throughout the episode.
On top of the chaos and havoc wreaked across the cruise ship, Undead Unluck episode 13 features Tatiana's powers being unleashed. This doesn't spell good news for either the people aboard the ship or the villains but does provide Andy, Fuuko, and Chikara some time and breathing room to catch Unrepair. Tatiana's backstory is sad, much like most of the Negators' backstories have been up until now.
Undead Unluck episode 13 shows the audience everything about Tatiana
Tatiana's tragic backstory

Like Fuuko in Undead Unluck's premiere episode, Gina in episode 4, and Chikara Shigeno in episode 12, Tatiana's backstory is tragic. Her Negator powers manifested when she was five years old, celebrating her birthday in Russia with her parents. Her powers manifesting caused their house to explode and claimed her parent's lives.
Tatiana wasn't even able to properly mourn her parents before being kidnapped by the mafia and was traumatized by the ordeal. She was placed in a rudimentary container and force-fed liquids as she was auctioned off. Billy's arrival saved her in more than one sense: he fed her birthday cake-flavored candy bars, provided her with sustenance, and befriended her instead of ending her life.
From then on, she was brought into The Union. The Union's number 8, Nico Vorgeil, helped reinforce her metallic suit and, over time, helped her get used to manipulating robotic appendages so she could hold objects. The precautions stemmed from her Negator power: Untouchable.
Tatiana's power and reason for the suit
Undead Unluck episode 13 answers some viewers' questions upon seeing her and Void from episode 2: she isn't a robot. She's a woman forever trapped in a robotic shell that controls her abilities. Her face and body are shown multiple times in the episode.
Tatiana's suit is hard enough to withstand bullets and is airtight enough to avoid nerve or tear gas, as shown by her fighting Feng and Creed. It has a plethora of abilities, including rocket punches and laser beams. She wears the suit to control her Negator Ability: Untouchable, which can destroy a town if fully unleashed.
Untouchable is a compulsory activating ability that manifests a barrier, repelling everything away from her. The armor is holding her power back, as Undead Unluck episode 13 showed three times: Untouchable destroyed her parent's house, nearly blew up the Union's training room and above-ground area, and cut the cruise ship in half alongside annihilating Creed's minigun and one of his arms.
Tatiana's true character revealed
For all the massive power that Tatiana is revealed to have, Undead Unluck episode 13 likewise reveals that she's a gentle soul inside that armor. She's traumatized by the loss of her parents. She had a good relationship with Billy and Gina and had a lot of love for plushies if the view of her room was any indication.

Given that her past involved her being exploited, her being given that freedom is sorely needed. She strikes up a better relationship with Fuuko rather than Andy, given Andy's rough and sour disposition and the fact that Andy got on her nerves during a grudge match over Gina's death.
If it wasn't for Fuuko's uncanny ability to make friends, Tatiana would've blown up the Union's headquarters. Fuuko became special to Tatiana, the first real female friend she had known.
Upon finding out that Unrepair stabbed Fuuko with a scalpel and realizing she only has an hour to live, Tatiana is faced with the harrowing decision: the only way to save Fuuko is to kill Unrepair. In response, Tatiana unleashes her power, tearing the ship in half.
Final thoughts
Undead Unluck episode 13 showcases Tatiana's past, powers, and who she is underneath the metal body and armor. It also continued the duel between the Union and Under, which had been raging since episode 12, showing what happened when Tatiana took on Feng and Creed.
The ending of Undead Unluck episode 13 is another cliffhanger after a very powerful emotional episode regarding Tatiana's story. Unrepair grabbed a fair few things—like a golden gun, what looked like a grenade, and a book—though they seemingly failed to acquire any Negators. He didn't seem phased when Andy shot at him and Latla with Parts Bullet following Tatiana's explosion.
This episode showed a lot about the robotic Union member, her past, her powers, her backstory, and more. It also doesn't skim on the action, showing how tough Tatiana is and how underhanded humanity can be toward people with powers. Despite being released on Hulu early, Undead Unluck episode 13 is still worth a rewatch for one of the best Union members being showcased.