Undead Unluck episode 17, entitled Out Smart, aired on February 2, 2024, and revolved around Under suddenly and inexplicably attacking the Union within its headquarters with Billy's help. While episode 16 revealed Billy to be Under's boss, episode 17 revolved around the questions of why he's with them and if the Union can stop them from escaping with Apocalypse and the Roundtable.
This isn't an easy feat, since Billy can copy multiple Negator abilities like Unstoppable, Unjustice, and Undead and use them effectively. The Union have their work cut out for them in Undead Unluck episode 17, as Billy's sudden attack put many of their members out of commission and left Andy and Fuuko to be the primary players in stopping Under's escape.
Undead Unluck episode 17: Union vs. Under Round 2
The unsung heroes: Nico's technicians and Union's support staff

It's often said that the people who run and maintain things are the real heroes: janitors, technicians, repairpeople, etc. Undead Unluck episode 17 proves this in spades with Nico's lab assistants having to come up with a solution to slow or stop the UMA Burn from its continuous ascension.
The simple version of the impromptu plan is to electrify, freeze, and stab the UMA to bring it down. It involves rerouting power to electrical conductor lines to slow it down, using cryogenic freezing usually reserved for captured UMAs to immobilize it, and then hitting it with a large solid spear of Unbreakable Armor to seriously harm it.
This tactic is used in conjunction with Andy and Fuuko fighting Billy on the Roundtable. It proves mighty effective, though unfortunately temporary as Fuuko's Unluck only affects Andy primarily. While all their efforts stop Burn in its tracks, the Unluck damage to their equipment prevents them from trying it again when Burn blazes out of the ice.
The effort is worth it, however, as it brought time for Andy and Fuuko to catch up.
Andy and Fuuko vs. Billy

The main protagonists of Undead Unluck have defeated enemy Negators like Gena, Void, and Shen. They've gone up against UMA's like Spoil and have come out on top. The two of them were up against Billy, the copier that used Undead, Unjustice, and Unstoppable back to back against them.
Unfortunately, short of bringing Victor out and causing a calamity, Undead Unluck episode 17 proves even Andy and Fuuko aren't enough to take down Billy with his assortment of abilities.
Though Andy notes that Billy can't use something like Unstoppable with anything near the amount of finesse as Top does, it still hurts to get hit by.
Since the battle with Andy could potentially go on forever, Billy decides to target Fuuko instead so that he, Rip, and Latla can escape.
Fuuko getting targeted by Unjustice sends her falling off Burn and Andy has to save her. Fortunately, the two are brought back into the fight by Tatiana.
Tatiana's feelings
While the techs and Andy and Fuuko are scrambling to stop Under, Nico's still healing Isshin, Top, and Juiz as Chikara uses Unmove to keep Juiz from bleeding out from her neck slice in episode 16. The question on everyone's mind is then posed by Chikara: Where did Tatiana go in all the chaos?
As it turned out, Tatiana barreled her way upward toward everyone and managed to help Fuuko and Andy continue the chase. Juiz questions Tatiana about this, with Tatiana says she needs to confront Billy herself about more than a few things. While still reeling over his betrayal, she starts getting her feelings sorted out.
This involved her slamming into him as Burn reached the Union's HQ's entrance, Stonehenge in England. There she relays that she still has feelings for Billy, even in Billy's face when he says she does not matter, and her Untouchable ability negates Unjustice and pushes Billy back into Burn.
This causes him to lose his grip on the Apocalypse book.
Teamwork and cleverness get Apocalypse back

The stalemate between Union and Under in Undead Unluck episode 17 is caused when Andy and Fuuko grab it from Billy and hold it hostage, using the gun Artifact. Andy and Fuuko essentially tell Billy off, especially Andy, who taunts Under for having the Roundtable but not the book that dispenses Quests and renders the entire betrayal pointless.
Apocalypse takes major offense to being manhandled and especially taken hostage. It floods Fuuko's brain with a ton of memories that cause her to scream in pain and lose her grip on the book. The book is recovered like a loose football by Phil, aka Unfeel, using rock arms to negate the memory attack.
Billy claims that Under will retrieve Apocalypse before the deadline of December 31st, and asks them to tell Juiz about the "Ark" that they'll be taking he, Rip, Latla and Burn leave.
She moves to pursue a magic flying cloud from Journey to the West that Dragon Ball fans will recognize, but both he and Andy are stopped when Juiz orders them to stand down.
Unanswered questions

As Under escapes on Burn, Juiz calls an emergency meeting of all remaining Roundtable Negators. She has a lot to tell them since things have gone so sideways. There are plenty of unanswered questions left in the wake of Billy's betrayal, and a fair few are asked during the episode.
Are Billy and the rest of Under on the same page? The opening of the episode being from Billy's point of view implies heavily that they aren't, as Billy and Rip seem to disagree on what Under's ultimate aim is. Billy wants to kill God, Rip wants to take over the world.
Another mystery is regarding memories Apocalypse dumped into Fuuko's head, a few of them seemed to have current Union members dying. A larger picture has begun forming ever since Ragnarok was foretold in episode 10, and Undead Unluck episode 17 is helping it take shape and form.
Final thoughts
Though Under may have escaped in Undead Unluck episode 17, they didn't get away with their goal. As Andy said, the Roundtable is useless without Apocalypse to dispense quests to them with it. Though Billy's threat of coming back does put the danger up there, what matters more are the secrets that are coming out.
Those who have kept up or read the Undead Unluck manga already know the twist, but anime-only watchers will need to wait before the full truth comes out.
For now, Under has escaped and everyone is still in disarray. Undead Unluck has been crazy since episode one, but the Undead Unluck episode 17 promises that it'll get crazier.