Undead Unluck episode 6, titled Spoil, was released on November 10, 2023. The episode showcased Andy and Fuuko's first mission as part of The Union: find and capture or eliminate the UMA Spoil. This mission took them all the way to Longing, Nevada, from New York City in the United States.
It was a weird change of pace after being hunted down by The Union for four episodes at that point to finally be joining them, as the opening suggested. The duo were joined by Shen, one of the first Negators they encountered, as per Andy's request.
Undead Unluck episode 6 began what is known as the Spoil Arc in the manga, collecting chapters 11, 12, and the first five pages of chapter 13. The heroes have more to see and much more to do before the August 31 deadline, even if Juiz said they'd accept it.
Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead.
Undead Unluck episode 6: Spoil, the zombie UMA
Driving across Nevada

Undead Unluck episode 6 doesn't open in New York City like the prior episode teased. Instead, it opens in Nevada, where Andy, Fuuko, and Shen are all seen traveling via truck to the supposed location of the UMA: the town of Longing, Nevada. Andy decided taking a land vehicle was better then the helicopter.
The opening of the episode is a recap of everything that has happened thus far. Following that, Andy suggested they just keep going to Las Vegas, but he's dissuaded by both Fuuko and Shen. They compare notes about the UMA, and come to a horrifying conclusion: they'll need to deal with Spoil and its zombie horde.
When they stopped for the night, Fuuko decided to ask Shen something since, she couldn't sleep: how she could help, and why Shen was going with them. She figured that if they complete the Quest, Andy would get a clue regarding how to die permenantly with Unrepair. Shen explains that he wants to see Andy go all out, and there's particular emphasis on the steel embedded in his head.
UMA and Spoil, explained

According to preliminary investigations, on August 21, a rotting corpse resembling a zombie suddenly showed up in the middle of New York City. The people who witnessed this had their memories wiped to contain the panic that would ensue. The zombie in question was identified as James Smith from Longing, Nevada.
The investigation team sent to the town of Longing ended up almost instantly zombified. The town was cut off from the mainland, save for a stone bridge, and had a massive metal wall blocking any zombies from escaping. After dealing with a horde of zombies, Andy ends up infected, but his Undead ability prevents him from fully zombifying.
Shen then explains that UMAs aren't going to behave like Negators: Negators negate the rules whereas UMA's are the rules. UMAs usually have areas of effect, this one being so large it affected the entire town. The one surviving zombie of Andy's rampage was a woman whose dream was to be married, which Andy understood since he had Spoil applied to him and raced off to marry her.
Time limits

The effect of the UMA appeared to not be the standard zombie plague present in other zombie media, meaning it's not spread from person to person. Instead, per Spoil's area of effect, the effect occurs on a time limit. Andy barely had 904 seconds (or 15 minutes) before Spoil's effect would apply.
When Fuuko and Shen spotted a kid investigating the commotion and chased him down, he was revealed to be part of a small group of kids that had timers on them. Undead Unluck episode 6 reveals this timer to be twice as long as Andy's: 9230 seconds (or 2 and a half hours).
After runnning across the line separating infected and non-infected, Fuuko and Shen both gained timers of 1,000 seconds (or roughly 17 minutes). The only way to neutralize the timers, presumably, is to neutralize Spoil. Andy had a tough enough time fighting Gena, fighting Spoil is arguably going to be harder.
The source of the zombie infestation

After Andy successfully fulfills the zombified woman's wish to be married at an altar, she reveals where the infestation started: a seemingly innocuous statue of an angel at the back of the church. Andy at first stated his orders were to capture this UMA, but he then decides to kill it.
After slashing the statue with blood with the Crimson Cross technique, Spoil reveals itself. Undead Unluck episode 6 reveals Spoil to be a massive bipedal monster with purple skin, massive teeth, and white stone or bone around its body. The angel statue appears to be either an armored headpiece or part of the head.
After hitting the UMA twice with the church bell, Andy yells that if any zombiefied people are still in control of themselves and want revenge they just need to follow the sound of the bell. The entire town seems to rally to this, with the zombie horde closing in, as Andy prepares to fight Spoil to the death.
Final thoughts
After the chaos of the last few episodes, including the information overload of episode 5, Undead Unluck episode 6 is a welcome change of pace into starting Fuuko and Andy's time with The Union. They're facing the first obstacle and it doesn't seem to want to go quietly into the night.
As always, the animation for the episode is really smooth and crazy, in keeping with David Production's caliber of animation. Putting a spin on the zombie plague formula is always a welcome sight, as many anime choose to tackle zombies fairly straightforwardly. It'll take at least one more episode to see whether Andy will indeed go all out on Spoil, given that this is the first UMA he's had to fight.
The other question, of course, concerns Fuuka and Shen. What their roles will be in the fight is uncertain, given that they're underground with the group of kids. It's likely to be as crazy as the show has been thus far. Undead Unluck fans will need to tune in next time to see how the fight against Spoil goes.