Undead Unluck manga is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshifumi Tozuka. It was initially published as a one-shot chapter in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump in January 2019. The series began serialization in the same magazine on January 20, 2020, with its chapters collected in 18 tankōbon volumes as of October 2023.
Undead Unluck manga has become popular over the years, with over two million copies sold worldwide. This success also led to its adaptation into an anime series, which is scheduled to be released on October 6, 2023.
Undead Unluck tells the story of Fuuko Izumo, a young woman who is so unlucky that she kills anything she touches. One day, she meets Andy, an undead man who cannot die. The two form a partnership, and together, they must find a way to break Fuuko's curse.
Undead Unluck manga can be read on Manga Plus, VIZ Media, and other platforms
The Undead Unluck manga is available to read on Manga Plus, VIZ Media, Comixology, and Amazon Kindle.
The manga series Undead Unluck is published weekly on Sundays in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. Readers can expect new chapters to be available at midnight JST (Japan Standard Time).
The English translations of the manga are conveniently accessible on the official Shōnen Jump website and app, released on the same day as the Japanese versions. Another option is to access the latest chapters for free through the Manga Plus website and app.
The anime adaptation of Undead Unluck manga is scheduled for release on October 7, 2023, at 1:28 a.m. JST and is expected to consist of a total of 24 episodes. It will be directed by Yuki Yase and animated by David Production. The anime will be available for streaming on Hulu.
The plot of Undead Unluck manga
The Undead Unluck manga follows the journey of Fuuko Izumo, a young woman burdened with an extraordinary curse. Any living thing she touches meets its demise. Fate brings her together with Andy, an immortal man who is unable to die. United by their unusual circumstances, they set out on an adventure to free Fuuko from her curse and discover where they truly belong in this vast world.
Throughout their journey, Fuuko and Andy encounter a diverse group of individuals who add vibrant colors to the narrative. This includes Juiz, a skeptical police officer who finds herself inexplicably drawn to Fuuko's unfortunate circumstances, Shen, an enigmatic figure who possesses the ability to fulfill wishes, and Nico, a young woman with remarkable control over the weather.
The group encounters formidable adversaries, such as the Negators, a faction of individuals with unique powers determined to bring about world destruction. Fuuko and Andy are compelled to forge a united front and conquer personal obstacles in order to safeguard humanity.
What to expect from the series?
The Undead Unluck manga is a unique and exciting story combining action, comedy, romance, and mystery elements. It has been praised for its well-developed characters, exciting plot, and unique sense of humor.
The anime adaptation of Undead Unluck is expected to be just as good as the manga. In terms of how faithfully the anime adaptation will follow the source material, it is difficult to say at this point in time. However, fans can expect a faithful adaptation of the manga with its talented ensemble cast and high-quality production value.