Recently introduced character in Urusei Yatsura, Shuutaro Mendo, is quite popular among girls of Tomobiki High School due to his appearance, wealth, and for being braveheart. However, Shuutaro’s scaredy-cat attribute was eventually revealed when he got lost during a cave exploration alongside Ataru.
As the rebooted Urusei Yatsura has finally picked up pace by introducing new versions of the series' popular characters in every episode, fans are immensely excited.
Unlike previous episodes, the fourth episode retains only one narrative, titled Sealed With a Kiss. However, this article will briefly explain the episode by dividing it into three narratives.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the anime series Urusei Yatsura.
Urusei Yatsura episode 4 highlights
Princess Kurama wakes up
Episode 4 of Urusei Yatsura kicked off with Ataru and Lum playing tennis with Shuutaro and Shinobu. Amidst Ataru and Shuutaro’s altercation, Lum, provoked by Shinobu, hit the ball so hard that it flew to the forest, where it struck one of the Karasutengu (crow goblin) who was carrying princess Kurama’s pod along with the other three members.
Descending from the forest, the pod fell over Shuutaro. Witnessing a beautiful girl inside, Ataru jumped over the pod. The panic-stricken Karasutengu member followed the princess and was surprised by Shuutaro, as he was perfect for getting betrothed with the princess. The Karasutengu elder encouraged Shuutaro to wake the princess by kissing her, but he was hesitant at first.
Shuutaro finally managed to build up the courage, but before he could accomplish such a task, Ataru got free from Lum’s restraints and kissed princess Kurama. Outraged by watching her darling kiss another girl in front of her, Lum sent Ataru flying by hitting him with high-voltage electricity.
Shuutaro agrees to engage in amorous congress with Kurama
In their spaceship, the Karasutengu Elder discussed the situation with the other members about how Ataru kissing Princess Kurama had put them in a tight spot. Since the princess believed Shuutaro woke her up, the other members and Lum agreed not to disclose the truth. However, the Karasutengu Elder, adhering to the traditions, refused to go along with the idea.
As the class committee president, Ataru tried to educate his peers on proper etiquette in the relationship between boys and girls. While Ataru would ultimately be the last person to ever lecture on relationships, the entire class opposed him along with Shuutaro. The latter was infuriated by being considered equally stupid as the former.
Barging into the class, Kurama greeted Shuutaro by holding him close to her, which caused an uproar among the girls. The latter was still showing signs of hesitation. However, the Karasutengu members boosted his confidence and encouraged him to engage in an amorous congress with princess Kurama.
Kurama finds out Shuutaro’s actual disposition
Shuutaro eventually agreed to engage in an amorous congress with Kurama. Without wasting any more of her time, the latter wanted to seal the deal right in school. With the help of Lum, the Karsutengu members built a love hotel room on the school grounds. All the girls were outraged by the love hotel built on the school grounds, which caused Kurama to disparage them.
Shuutaro was on-board with the idea, but committing it on school grounds was unethical and immoral to him. He tried to escape Kurama, but she eventually caught him and forcibly dragged him to the place. Ataru and Elder Karasutengu sneaked inside the room and revealed that Shuutaro didn’t kiss her.
Kurama wanted to know the consequences of going against the ritual but found nothing. Eventually, Ataru showcased Shuutaro’s craven attribute by trapping him inside a giant bell. Kurama was disappointed and realized she could choose a partner of her liking instead of going through some ritual.
Final thoughts on Urusei Yatsura episode 4
With the cliffhanger in episode 3 of Urusei Yatsura, where a spaceship set off with Lum’s electric discharge, fans anticipated seeing another alien character, presumably Lum’s “not-so-innocent” baby cousin, Ten. However, the spectacular yet hilarious arrival of princess Kurama and her minions excited fans of Urusei Yatsura immensely.
The episode also saw how Shuutaro almost managed to ruin his perfectly crafted facade. However, with Kurama’s dramatic arrival, his reputation remained intact in front of all the girls who admired him. Kurama was immensely disappointed that all her efforts to keep her race’s tradition alive went in vain, as there was no such justification to follow it, even by the progenitor of Karasutengu.
Furthermore, as he is now liberated from the shackles of her race’s false rituals, she can finally find a person with whom she will be happy.
Make sure to follow more updates and news on Urusei Yatsura as 2022 progresses.