The eighth episode of Urusei Yatsura is the most awaited episode in the rebooted anime, as it introduced one of the beloved characters from the original manga series, Ran. The two narratives of the said episode, titled Transfer Student Close Call and Farewell Party Close Call, mostly revolve around the newly introduced character and the protagonists.
Ran enrolled at Tomobiki High School as a transfer student to get her revenge on Lum by stealing her darling. The episode also explores the latter's past with Ran, revealing how adorably menacing she was during her childhood days. Follow along with this article to learn more about episode 8 of Urusei Yatsura.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the anime Urusei Yatsura
Urusei Yatsura episode 8 highlights
Transfer Student Close Call
Episode 8 of Urusei Yatsura kicked off with the school principal enjoying tea with a giant cat as a guest. Suddenly, the building started shaking, and the homeroom teacher thought it was an earthquake. However, he later found out that Lum’s father was walking around the building with his colossal body and causing tremors. After meeting the homeroom teacher, Lum’s father enrolled his daughter in Tomoboki High School.
Witnessing her as the new transfer student caused Ataru to choke on the food he was eating discreetly during the lecture. He started fawning over the new transfer student, Ran, from another class during the sports festival. However, Lum electrocuted Ataru and dragged him away from Ran.
Lum asked Ran to meet her behind the gymnasium, and she eventually showed up. Both were delighted to see each other after such a long time. Ran was furious after recalling the past when Lum got engaged to Rei. The latter eventually learned that Ran’s cheerful disposition was a mere facade.
Proclaiming that she would drain Ataru's youth by kissing him, Ran threatened Lum that she would reveal the secret of how she wet her bed during her stay when they were kids. The latter had no choice but to keep Ataru out of Ran’s sight. Later, Ran and Lum spent some time together after school, reminiscing about how they used to gaze at the night sky during their childhood.
Once again, the former got infuriated over the latter and told her she wouldn’t be going easy on her and her darling.
Farewell Party Close Call
Ran sent her miniature robot to Lum, inviting her and Ataru to her farewell party. Upon reaching her house, Ataru was bewitched by the building’s UFO-like architecture and interior. After Ran offered her home-baked cookies, Lum presumed it was laced with a tranquilizer and dumped it inside the living vase.
Lum vacated the room with the excuse of helping her host by washing dishes and kept an eye on Ran and Ataru without them knowing but was infuriated by witnessing her "darling" being flirtatious with Ran. However, as the latter didn’t take advantage of the former’s absence, she was happy.
Ran created a life-sized Ataru copy in her giant oven and handed it over to Lum, hoping she wouldn’t notice. Unbeknownst to Ran, the clone switched positions with the real Ataru when she was distracted by Lum. Ran went ballistic after learning that she had failed her mission yet again.
Lum was surprised to see Ran attending school after the farewell party. However, after talking to the latter, the former eventually learned that her friend didn’t intend to leave until she accomplished her goal of kissing Ataru.
Final thoughts on Urusei Yatsura episode 8
Episode 8 of Urusei Yatsura has proven to be yet another hilarious episode of the series. Fans of the anime are finally relieved to see Lum’s childhood friend, Ran, who is prone to get angry in the blink of an eye. Even though the former left Rei long ago, Ran is still walking on the path of revenge, and no one can stop her except for Rei himself.
With the eighth episode of Urusei Yatsura, it can be said that Ran is among the few, besides Oyuki and Benten, who know about Lum’s true self. As she was the highlight of the episode, fans didn’t see much of Shinobu, Sakura, Shuutaro, and Cherry. With all three of Lum's friends having been introduced in the rebooted Urusei Yatsura, fans can expect the upcoming episodes to be more enthralling than ever.