The first season of The Vinland Saga is widely regarded as a success, and many viewers feel the same way about the second season. Yet, a lot of fans aren't happy with how things are turning out. Several viewers have said that they don't like the season, mainly because of its slow pacing, lack of action, and focus on developing ideas and characters.
While some fans, on the other hand, are beginning to wonder whether or not Thorfinn will ever return to his home or what will become of the plot further. The answer to the question of whether Thorfinn would return home is, of course, yes, but when?
Disclaimer: The following article contains major spoilers for Vinland Saga. All external media belongs to their respective owners, and Sportskeeda claims no ownership of the same.
Thorfinn to return home after years in Vinland Saga season 2
The Vinland Saga has recently raised many concerns, one of which is whether or not Thorfinn will ever come home. As was just stated, Thorfinn would eventually return home. In fact, the forthcoming episodes of Vinland Saga season 2 will allow us to witness Thorfinn making his way home again. Even in an exclusive interview, the individual in charge of animation direction, Hiroya Hasegawa, stated the same.
In the anime, as the plot progresses, we may finally see Thorffin and Einar gain freedom. As Throfinn and Einar will be free, they will be able to return to Iceland, which is expected to happen by the end of season 2.
Meanwhile, in the manga, Thorfinn returns to Iceland with the assistance of Leif, Einar, and Bug-Eye in chapter 100. It was after the war that Canute started against Ketil. As Thorfinn was able to make Canute leave the farm, Leif suggested they should stop in Iceland to see Thorfinn's mother.

This, however, would be a quick visit. Upon returning, Thorfinn would tell his family about his despair, wrath, anguish, remorse, rebirth, and his ambition to build Vinland, a land of peace. Therefore, Thorfinn would again leave home in search of a land Leif had always said existed.
Why did Thorfinn not return home till now?
As we saw in Vinland Saga season 1, Thorfinn went with his father, Thors, after Floki persuaded him to rejoin Jomsviking and return to battle. Sadly, Askeladd killed Thors during his journey. It was then that Thorfinn took a solemn oath to kill Askeladd. To do this, we saw how Thorfinn grew skilled at surviving in the wild and joined Askeladd's pirate army to work as a spy.
All of this was done so Thorffin might improve his strength and challenge Askeladd to a battle to kill him once he prevailed in the fight. However, things did not go as expected, and Askeladd decided to kill King Sweyn in episode 24 of Vinland Saga season 1. This was done to save both Canute and Wales by King Sweyn and for Canute to act and take the throne so that no one questions Canute's right to the throne.
Subsequently, Canute had to knife Askeladd to death. This was a significant turning point for Thorffin because he lost his purpose, walked off, and ended up as a slave.
A brief recap of Vinland Saga season 2, episode 10
Vinland Saga season 2, episode 10, began with Einar and Thorfinn displaying themselves as having cleared their allotted land. Now that they have cleared the forest, they can buy their freedom and think about life as free men.
Ketil, who is on his way to see King Harald at the palace in Jelling, promises the two unexpected freedoms in exchange for their ability to till the ground in time to plant seeds, as well as the possibility of future employment as his servants.
Meanwhile, Canute travels to Jelling to see his ill brother Harald, recalling how good Harald was to him as a youngster. On his deathbed, Harald anointed Canute as the next monarch of Denmark. Meanwhile, Canute sees a vision of King Sweyn's head, who accuses him of poisoning his brother Harald to become king of Denmark and England.
It will be interesting to see how Vinland Saga season 2 unfolds and how viewers react before the season ends. Fans can watch the 11th episode of the season on Monday, March 21, at 12.30 am (JST).