The Dragon Ball series boasts one of the largest casts in Shonen. While most of the story has focused solely on a handful of characters, including Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and occasionally Piccolo, there have been many questions regarding the series' future.
Akira Toriyama, the author of the Dragon Ball series, died on March 1, 2024, leaving the series without an actual conclusion. Given the uncertainty of the situation, some fans have expressed that focusing on a story about the kids of the main cast embarking on a space journey might be a good decision for the series' future.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Dragon Ball series.
Dragon Ball fan suggests a more laidback approach for the series' future
The Dragon Ball series and its underutilization of side characters have been among the most jarring downsides of the series. While Pan managed to get significant focus in the Dragon Ball GT series, the series itself remains one of the poorly regarded spinoffs.
A Dragon Ball fan and artist named Gabriel, going by the handle @wolfsvile, has shared artwork outlining the character designs of the main cast's children. He also pitched the idea of a story focusing on their adventure through space.
While the reaction to this idea has been mixed, most fans believe that utilizing the underutilized characters is a viable option for the series' future.
Fan reactions to the original post
A few fans have taken to social networking sites to express how some finally acknowledge the idea of a next-generation-style story for the series, with Goku and Vegeta not being overly involved. Others have shared how the series needs to move away from Goku despite him being one of the most integral aspects of the story.
"I would like a story just about the next generation on an adventure without Goku/Vegeta there to save the day," one fan said.
"i genuinely love goku with all my heart but eventually the series needs to fu**in move away from him and focus on the amazing side cast/younger characters they've set up," another fan said.
Many fans also took the opportunity to criticize the numerous fan art and fan-made manga related to the series. They noted that most of these works focus solely on additional Super Saiyan forms instead of developing a plausible story. A few other fans expressed that the series should be allowed to rest, especially since it has been ongoing since 1986.
"This is what fan made manga should be not Super Sayian Green Goku," one fan wrote.
"Just let the series go man, Toriyama is gone. It's time y'all let the series rest," another fan wrote.
Dragon Ball Super manga chapter 103 was the last chapter released following Akira Toriyama's death. There have been no updates regarding the series' continuation. However, it is still possible that the series may continue publication, whether as a spinoff or a continuation of the original plot.
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