The argument on who is stronger between One Punch Man's Saitama and Dragon Ball's Goku has been a long-running debate in the anime industry. While both characters are known to be astronomically strong, both of them are set in different universes, prompting fans to often argue over who is the stronger protagonist.
With the rise of AI in recent times, chatbots like ChatGPT have been quite common to seek answers from. We have done the same here, as we asked ChatGPT if One Punch Man's Saitama could defeat Dragon Ball's Goku, and the AI's response was quite unexpected.
ChatGPT believes that Dragon Ball's Goku edges over One Punch Man's Saitama in strength
ChatGPT’s answer to the aforementioned question was as follows:
"This is a difficult question to answer definitively because both Saitama and Goku are extremely powerful characters with very different abilities and strengths. However, based on the abilities and feats displayed in their respective series, it seems unlikely that Saitama could defeat Goku."
From the very onset, ChatGPT wasn't sure if One Punch Man's Saitama possessed the ability to defeat Dragon Ball's Goku.

The AI then went on to explain Goku's strengths as a fighter and what abilities he possesses:
"Goku possesses a vast array of powerful techniques and transformations, and has fought and defeated numerous foes who were similarly or even more powerful than him. He also has incredibly strong durability and endurance, allowing him to withstand powerful attacks and keep fighting. Additionally, his power level has been shown to increase dramatically through intense training and battles, making him a constantly evolving and improving fighter."
The AI is aware of how Goku has several powerful techniques, in addition to which he has several transformations. With each new transformation, Goku's strength is shown to increase dramatically, allowing him to constantly evolve as a fighter.

In Saitama's case, ChatGPT had the following to say:
"Saitama, on the other hand, has been shown to be almost invincible in his own universe, able to defeat any opponent with a single punch. However, his abilities have never been fully explained or explored, and it's unclear whether he could withstand attacks from a character as powerful as Goku. Additionally, Saitama has never faced an opponent with the level of speed and skill that Goku possesses."
While ChatGPT acknowledges Saitama's invincibility in his universe, the AI does not believe that the Caped Baldy has ever faced anyone as powerful and fast as Goku, leading it to believe that One Punch Man's Saitama does not possess the ability to defeat Dragon Ball's Goku.

After this, ChatGPT concluded the debate by saying:
"In short, while Saitama's raw strength is incredibly impressive, it's unlikely that he could defeat Goku in a fight due to Goku's wide range of abilities and feats."
That being said, AI believes that Saitama is not strong enough to defeat Goku. However, that is because he is yet to face someone as strong and fast as Goku. If the Caped Baldy does face an opponent as strong as Goku in the future and Saitama wins the bout, ChatGPT's opinion on this argument could likewise change.