In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, a Cursed Womb is an immature cursed spirit still in its developmental stage and resembles a uterus. Cursed wombs are dangerous because they are capable of producing powerful curses after their metamorphosis is complete. They are created when a cursed spirit swallows one of Sukuna's fingers and requires a traumatic stimulus to induce metamorphosis, such as emotional trauma or nearly being exorcised.
What is Cursed Womb: Death Painting in Jujutsu Kaisen?
The Cursed Womb: Death Painting is one of the types of cursed womb that is not developed fully as a curse and it does have half-human and half-cursed spirit. It is not a natural way of developing curses, and it was experimented on by one of the jujutsu sorcerers, Noritoshi Kamo. He used nine aborted fetuses from a woman who was able to give birth to half curse, and later on, the three survived. The three surviving ones are Choso, Eso, and Kechizu. Only Choso is still alive in the ongoing story; the other two died.
Types of Cursed Wombs in Jujutsu Kaisen
Every Cursed Womb is unique in its way, but how strong it is depends on how many Sukuna Finger they ate or how many people they swallowed.
1. Finger Bearer: The weakest one is Finger Bearer, who appeared in the first season of the Jujutsu Kaisen, which was the special grade curse that was killed by Sukuna (in Yuji Body). However, it was the weakest special curse because he could not think much like Jogo, Hanami, and Dagon.
Source: Neobrane
2. Dagon: It was one of the strongest special-grade curse spirits that consumed a lot of humans and changed into quite intelligent cursed spirits, but not like Jogo. It was killed by Toji Fushiguro, whose soul was brought back into Jiro Awasaka's body with the help of the Ogami Seance Technique.
3. Jogo: It is one of the strongest and smartest special grade cursed spirits who played a major role in Jujutsu Kaisen but later died at the hands of Sukuna. It knows how to use domain expansion and fights with Gojo Satoru, who almost kills it, but Hanami saves it.
Source: Anicrad
FAQs on Cursed Wombs in Jujutsu Kaisen
A: Cursed Wombs are cursed spirits in the developmental stage that resemble a uterus. They are dangerous because they can produce powerful curses after metamorphosis.
A: Cursed Womb: Death Painting is one type of cursed womb that is not fully developed and has a half-human and half-cursed spirit. It was experimented on by a jujutsu sorcerer named Noritoshi Kamo.
A. Cursed wombs come in various shapes and sizes, making them diverse in appearance. They can be found in different forms throughout the series.
A. No, cursed wombs can pose a threat to both sorcerers and non-sorcerers. The dangers associated with cursed wombs extend to anyone who encounters them, regardless of their proficiency in jujutsu.