In the realm of manga and anime, Jujutsu Kaisen has captured the hearts of many with its captivating story. What sets it apart is its unique power system, which draws inspiration from a rich tapestry of emotions, both positive and negative, and takes cues from real-world religions like Buddhism. Within Jujutsu Kaisen's mystical universe, one fascinating aspect is the Binding Vow system.
This article will shed light on the binding vow system and its inner workings, along with its first appearance in the story. It will also discuss its significance in the later chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen. While also exploring Sukuna's binding vow with Yuji, which ultimately led to the loss of his dear friend and the current showdown between Gojo and Sukuna.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen manga and anime.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Binding Vow Explained
In the mystical world of Jujutsu Kaisen, Binding Vows hold a power that goes beyond simple contracts. These supernatural agreements are filled with profound meaning and danger. Woven with cursed energy, they form an essential part of the story's intricate power system. To truly grasp the concept of Binding Vows, we must dive into the heart of Jujutsu Kaisen's narrative.
Binding Vows are essential, solemn promises made between individuals, often involving a sorcerer and a curse or spirit. These promises may include conditions, limitations, or prerequisites that must be fulfilled for the pact to remain valid. What distinguishes Binding Vows is the special exchange of power and the resulting consequences that come with them.
Entering into Binding Vows is a powerful and risky endeavor in this series. The consequences of breaking such vows can be unpredictable, sometimes resulting in death. These intricate pacts add layers of depth and complexity to the story, highlighting the delicate balance between power and sacrifice in a world dominated by curses and sorcery.
Sukuna's Vow with Yuji
A prime example of this is Sukuna's Binding Vow with Yuji. In order to regain power and freedom, the curse made a deal that would grant it temporary possession of Yuji's body using the trigger word "enchain."
In exchange, Sukuna promised not to harm those close to Yuji. This seemingly harmless agreement has had a profound impact on Yuji's life, forcing him into a moral struggle against the influence of Sukuna.
The Vow between Sukuna and Yuji was made in chapter 6 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. When Sukuna killed Yuji, he made an offer to bring him back to life—on one condition: Sukuna would be able to take control of Yuji's body for a minute whenever he said the keyword "enchain."
Sukuna also promised not to harm anyone during that time, but unfortunately, Yuji would have no memory of this agreement.
Yuji's vow has deeply impacted his life, leading him to face challenging decisions and put himself in perilous situations. Despite the risks, it has also empowered him to confront Sukuna and safeguard those who hold significance in his heart.
The vow remains active, leaving uncertainty surrounding the outcome when Sukuna eventually attempts to gain complete control over Yuji's body.
Final thoughts
To conclude, the binding vows in Jujutsu Kaisen go beyond being mere mystical contracts. They are intricate and perilous commitments that shape the destinies of characters in this captivating world. Sukuna's vow with Yuji serves as a prime example, showcasing the profound consequences and moral dilemmas inherent in these pacts.
The delicate balance between power and sacrifice is a recurring theme, adding complexity to a story dominated by curses and sorcery. These binding vows are a central element of Jujutsu Kaisen's narrative, underscoring that in a world ruled by supernatural forces, every promise carries weight and every vow has significant ramifications.