Black Clover is a popular anime series based on the manga of the same name by Yuki Tabata. The anime adaptation of Black Clover began airing in 2017 and has been a hit with fans of the manga ever since. As of March 2023, the anime has aired over 170 episodes, leaving fans wondering where the anime ends in the manga story.
The anime of Black Clover ends in Chapter 270 of the manga, and pages 1-3 of Chapter 272 are also adapted in episode 170 of the anime.
What is Black Cover?
Black Clover is a Japanese manga and anime series written and illustrated by Yuki Tabata. The story takes place in a world where magic is everything and follows Asta, a young orphan boy without any magical abilities. Despite this, Asta dreams of becoming the Wizard King, the highest rank in the Magic Knights order. Together with his best friend Yuno, a prodigy with immense magical talent, Asta sets out to achieve his dream and protect his kingdom from dark forces. The manga was first serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump in February 2015 and has been adapted into an anime series that began airing in Japan in 2017.
The story of Black Clover follows Asta and Yuno as they journey through the Clover Kingdom, facing challenges and enemies along the way. The anime has a mix of action, adventure, and comedy, making it a popular choice among anime fans.
The anime of Black Clover is known for its excellent animation and well-crafted fight scenes. The series also features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique personality and abilities.
While the anime of Black Clover ended in Chapter 270 of the manga, there are still plenty of chapters left to adapt. As of March 2023, the manga is currently ongoing and has over 353 chapters available to read. Fans of the anime can continue the story by reading the manga, which is available in both print and digital formats.