Dear Anemone emerges from the shadows, its inked panels unfolding inside Weekly Shonen Jump pages. The series, created by Rin Matsui, debuted on February 19, 2024, bringing along a story that defies expectations and brims with mystery.
Even though Dear Anemone is only in its first chapter, many fans already perceive something revolutionary about it, especially when it comes to how different it is from other Weekly Shonen Jump titles. Many likened it to the critically acclaimed Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku, despite having a stronger science fiction influence than fantasy.
Dear Anemone: Plot overview
Darwin's theory of evolution was solidified in the Galapagos because the species on the islands evolved completely separately from those on the major continents. This indicates that the Galapagos Islands are a fantastic location with exceptional natural beauty in the real world. However, in Dear Anemone, its nature has a dark twist.
The story is set on the Galapagos Islands, which are currently beyond human control due to a mysterious toxic explosion that took place 10 years ago. Gaku, the protagonist, is a young boy enlisted in a 15-person expedition to research the islands. The expedition aims to locate and retrieve the previous expeditors who lost all contact with the outside world after setting foot on the island.
In the first chapter, readers soon encounter someone who appears to work for the First Task Force or someone who looks like him. His face morphs to resemble a large, carnivorous chameleon. Ryuichi Yashiki, one of the expeditors and Gaku's new ally, is hit in the head by its tongue, which pulls it clean off his body before devouring it.
Dear Anemone entangles readers in a web of secrets, memories, and forbidden knowledge as the story progresses. This manga, similar to Wild Strawberry and Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku, promises an exciting read for fans of mystery, beauty, and a hint of the paranormal. Readers can let themselves get lost in Dear Anemone's petals and allow its secrets to unfold before their very eyes.
Themes and world-building
Rin Matsui's brushwork creates fascination. Each panel is painstakingly made; the minute details give the floral world life. The contrast between the delicate petals and the underlying shadows enhances the series' allure.
The mysterious protagonists, memory-related themes, and ominous undertones all evoke the spirit of Wild Strawberry. Both shows challenge readers to explore the depths of the human psyche and to question reality. Wild Strawberry transports readers to a world where plants have transformed into hideous creatures called Jinka.
These plant-based animals consume humans, transforming Tokyo into a dangerous battlefield. While navigating through this mayhem, we follow Kingo and Kayano as they struggle to survive. The story progresses because Kingo resolves to save Kayano after she turns into a Jinka, which is quite similar to Goku's drive, which is fueled by his desire to rescue his friend.
Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku unfolds against the scenic setting of Shinsenkyo, also known as Kotaku Island. There are whispers in legend that the Elixir of Life, a material that can bestow immortality, is concealed deep within Shinsenkyo. Many strong and skilled warriors have been lured to the island by this alluring promise, each hoping to discover its secrets.
Sentient animals and plants can roam around and attack anyone who comes too close. The island's allure draws adventurers into a web of peril and mystery while masking its deceit. Arriving out of desperation or ambition are criminals, executioners, and warriors without realizing the dangers that lie ahead as they search for answers, atonement, or eternal life.
Both are very similar to Dear Anemone with their dark fantasy elements, complex worldbuilding, and surprising turns. The man behind Dear Anemone, Rin Matsui, was Kohei Horikoshi's assistant and the creator of My Hero Academia. He now takes center stage with a work of his own.