Dragon Ball is a series that has been a part of many people's lives for decades. Not only does it have some of the most iconic heroes in all of anime, it also has some of the most unique and interesting villains. Each of the antagonists have their own reasons and motivations for the horrible crimes they commit.
Fans of the series can sometimes become attached or perturbed because of how similar a Dragon Ball villain’s personality is to theirs. Zodiac fans believe the month they were born in plays a role in why they feel a particular way when a specific villain is presented on screen.
To portray this concept in a more efficient way, we will connect each Zodiac sign with a specific Dragon Ball villain who fits the description perfectly.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author’s opinion. It will contain spoilers for the Dragon Ball Super manga.
A look at some Dragon Ball villains who belong to each Zodiac sign
1) Aries - Vegeta

Vegeta is the last member of the Saiyan royal family, and as such, he holds values and traits that are characteristic of his race; just like his hyper-competitive nature and his short-tempered personality.
During his time as a villain, Vegeta always boasted about his superior strength and skill. Consequently, he would burst in anger when someone proved to be better than him. All of these are traits we can associate with an impulsive Aries.
2) Taurus - Gas
As the strongest member of the Heeter family, Gas had been told all of his life how powerful and strong he was. He grew accustomed to these complements, believing himself to be the best fighter in the universe. When Bardock proved him wrong, Gas snapped and developed a deep hatred against the Saiyan race.
Gas likes to be considered the best at what he does, which is taken to the extreme because of the constant lectures his brother Elek gives him. He was even willing to trade his life for the opportunity to be considered the best and his family the luxurious life they deserve. No one inside Dragon Ball’s universe who fits Taurus’ traits better than Gas.
3) Gemini - Baby
Baby was created with the only objective of finding and destroying the last remaining members of the Saiyan race. In order to do so, he would possess any strong fighter he got his hand into, adapting quickly to their fighting style and using it against his enemies.
Baby is the most adaptable and malleable Dragon Ball villain in existence. It is because of the multifaceted personality, as well as his facility to adapt to any given situation or host, that Baby is the villain for Gemini.
4) Cancer - Zamasu

Zamasu’s quest to achieve a utopic world without mortals was motivated by nothing more than his emotions and disdain for those without a divine nature. The Supreme Kai apprentice was obsessed with the superiority of a being such as himself, without any regard for anyone else.
He went as far as to become one of the mortals he hated so much only to obtain the power that he needed to complete his objective. Zamasu is the villain for Cancer, a sign known for deep understanding of emotions, something that Zamasu took too far.
5) Leo - Frieza

Thanks to his prodigal nature, Frieza did not train for a single day of his life before he met Goku and his friends. Despite acting overconfident most of the time, Frieza had the strength and achievements to rest on his laurels without a care in the world.
It was because of his ego and his arrogant nature that Frieza was defeated and eventually killed by the Saiyan warriors he fought against. Even after death, his pompous attitude towards others remained intact, which proved the deep connection Frieza had with the sign of Leo.
6) Virgo - Raditz

Raditz may not have been the strongest or the most skilled fighter of his race, but he was one of the smartest. Goku’s brother would always think about the situation before following his impulses and jumping into battle.
He was nowhere near as prideful as his partners Vegeta and Nappa, which allowed him to be more cautious when fighting against an enemy. That is why Raditz is the villain that best embodies Virgo’s calm and collected nature.
7) Libra - Granolah
Granolah suffered the loss of hie entire planet and race when he was just a small child. Due to this tragedy, he swore vengeance on the Saiyan race and Frieza. He is motivated by the injustices that befell his brethren and wants retribution for what happened to them.
When he found out Elek had been using him since the beginning, Granolah changed his goals and became a key player in the fight against Gas later in the series. Because of his righteous nature and desire for justice, there is no other sign that could fit Granolah as perfectly as Libra.
8) Scorpio - Captain Ginyu

Captain Ginyu is one of the elite members of Frieza’s army, as well as one of his most loyal soldiers. Whenever the galactic emperor has a difficult assignment, he can count on Ginyu to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
He may be the leader of the Ginyu Forces, but this captain has no problem acting on his own to complete a mission. He always stays true to himself and his beliefs, just like any good and loyal Scorpio would do.
9) Sagittarius - Dr Hedo
A brilliant scientist like his late grandfather, Dr. Gero, Hedo is a young and bright inventor who has an obsession with superheroes. He is tricked by the newly rebuilt Red Ribbon army into believing the Saiyans are a threat to the Earth, so he creates two Androids to deal with the aliens on his planet.
Hedo is always trying to better his inventions and surpass himself when building a new Android, as demonstrated by his goal of creating a perfect Cell Max. He is not a bad person, but just misled by an evil organization to act as a villain abusing his devotion to justice and need for more knowledge. These are the reasons why Hedo is the best candidate for the curious Sagittarius.
10) Capricorn - Moro
For centuries, Moro has been eating planets and collecting their energy to sustain himself and remain as one of the strongest mages in the universe. He does not care for anyone he may hurt or kill in the process.
Moro is cold, unempathetic and ruthless when it comes to his ambitions. Moro did not have any other interest in life, he just consumed planets and increased his powers. This driven but insentitive nature is why Moro is the villain for Capricorn.
11) Aquarius - Android 17

Android 17 is not someone who likes following rules and opts to do things his own way. He was robbed of control over his own life because of Dr. Gero’s experiments on him, so he now just wants independence and freedom to make his own decisions.
Deep down, he is not as evil or callous as he appeared to be when he was first introduced, and was just an angry young man who needed to let his emotions out. These are traits of an Aquarius who has suffered in the past and needs a way to express themself.
12) Pisces - Piccolo

After being born, Piccolo made it his life's mission to avenge the death of his father at Goku's hands. He was ultimately defeated but claimed he would one day obtain his revenge against his mortal enemy.
Skip a few years into the future and Piccolo is now not only one of Goku’s best friends, but also one of the most important people in Gohan’s life. He may act emotionless and cool, when in reality he feels much deeper than many other characters in the show.
Piccolo is just like a Pisces trying to act cool and aloof when internally they are an emotional wreck.