A Tomb Raider anime adaptation by Netflix has been confirmed today, with a recent trailer showcasing the legendary Lara Croft in action. While it is true that the initial trailer doesn't reveal a lot about the story or what it is going to focus on, it did offer fans a peek into some of the grittier tones that have defined the video game franchise over the years.
The original announcement of the Tomb Raider anime came out in 2021, when Netflix confirmed that they were working with the people at Legendary on this project. It was also announced at the time with the Skull Island animated series, another Netflix production, which came out earlier this year.
Disclaimer: This article can have potential spoilers for the Tomb Raider anime.
The Tomb Raider anime has released a PV trailer, revealing its grittier elements
As mentioned earlier, Netflix has confirmed the upcoming Tomb Raider anime through a promotional video trailer on their YouTube channel. The trailer itself doesn't do much in revealing to the audience what the plot is going to be like. However, it has a couple of cool moments and reveals the animated Lara Croft, all while hinting at the series' grittier elements.
It is unclear when Tomb Raider: The Legend Of Lara Croft is going to come out, although there are speculations that the show is going to be released in 2024. Legendary is going to be in charge of the animation, which is something they already did with Netflix in the aforementioned Skull Island project.
What to expect from the series
The Tomb Raider anime is the latest in a lot of media interpretations of what is a legendary video game franchise. People who haven't played the games are also likely to know who Lara Croft is and what she represents in Western entertainment. This recognition is something that deserves a lot of credit and, hopefully, this new series can do the franchise justice.
It is too soon to say which direction the series is going to take regarding her character or the plot, but, hopefully, it will pick up and develop the elements that have made the series so iconic. Fans believe it would be the right way to introduce the best of the Tomb Raider legacy to newer generations and offer something different in a franchise that has stagnated a bit in recent years.
The YouTube trailer seemed to have gotten one thing right and that is Lara Croft's combination of physical abilities and cool factor, which is the character's biggest selling point. The Tomb Raider anime would have to show a lot of world-building, a lot of puzzles where Lara's intellect is challenged, and overall, offer the combination of dark moments with the heroine's capacity to overcome them, which is one of the franchise's biggest selling points.
Final thoughts
The truth of the matter is that no one knows how the Tomb Raider anime is going to perform or what the focus is going to be like. There are only speculations made out of this YouTube trailer. While the animation style looks good and Lara looks like her classic self, the series has had somewhat of a decline in recent years, and this series could help remedy that.