One Piece Episode 1008 is going to be a tough one to watch, given what happened to the Straw Hats in the preview. Needless to say, the alliance is not looking good at the moment. Although the raid is still in its early stages, many allies have been taking hits.
With tensions running high, fans have been eagerly anticipating what happens next. One Piece Episode 1008 promises to be a real tear jerker. Whether it's Chopper and Brook fending off a deadly virus, or Nami and Usopp simply trying to survive, the Straw Hats are in a desperate situation. The Beasts Pirates will be a very difficult obstacle to overcome.
Here is what fans can expect from One Piece Episode 1008
Based on the preview, this episode will give a lot of focus to characters like Nami and Usopp. It will likely cover the manga events from One Piece Chapter 995.
Usopp and Nami continue to run from Page One and Ulti
Much to the chagrin of Nami and Usopp, members of the Flying Six are still in hot pursuit. Ulti and Page One are hot on their trail as they have transformed into their beast forms. Unfortunately for the Straw Hats, Ulti proved to be too powerful when she finally engaged in combat.
At some point, she headbutts Usopp so hard that his skull cracks under pressure. Ulti even managed to capture Nami by forcefully grabbing her. It's not looking very good for either of these Straw Hats. It remains to be seen how Nami or Usopp will get out of this situation. Either way, they haven't been beaten up this badly in a long time.
Chopper is hit with the Ice Oni virus

Brook and Chopper are having a hard time over at the Live Floor. Queen's deadly virus is now spreading everywhere. At one point, Brook is bitten by someone with the Ice Oni. It's even worse for Chopper, who is clearly shown to be infected.
According to Queen, victims inflicted with the virus will perish within the hour. Chopper does not have much time left in One Piece Episode 1008. Should Zoro fail to retrieve the antidote, fans can only hope that Chopper makes one for himself. Now is the perfect time for the good doctor to shine.
Zoro clashes with Scratchmen Apoo

In the previous episode, Queen spread his virus across the entire Live Floor. As part of his sick and twisted game, he decided to give the antidote vial to Scratchmen Apoo, who is now being chased by everybody.
The One Piece Episode 1008 preview reveals that Zoro is hot on his trial. The swordsman briefly clashes with Apoo, who manages to hold his own. People's lives are at stake, which is why Zoro has to act fast.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.