Attack on Titan, the acclaimed manga and anime series created by Hajime Isayama, is a remarkable achievement in the realm of storytelling. With numerous volumes and seasons, Attack on Titan tells a gripping tale of survival, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of freedom.
Christa Lenz, initially introduced as Historia Reiss, plays a crucial role in the unfolding narrative. As the story progresses, her character undergoes a drastic transformation - going from an enigmatic figure lurking in the shadows to becoming a central one during pivotal events that left an enduring impact on fans.
Christa Lenz: The new ruler within the walls in Attack on Titan
Sometime after the events in Marley, Historia got pregnant, residing in an undisclosed location known only to a select few within the military. Speculation arose among some Military Police officers, with one suggesting that Yelena may have played a role in influencing Historia's out-of-wedlock pregnancy. The belief was that this development, involving a local individual who had bullied Historia during her childhood, might be a deliberate strategy to delay Historia from inheriting the Beast Titan from Zeke Yeager once he reached Paradis.
As a rebellious faction emerged, Commander Pixis issued orders for the military to secure Historia, recognizing her as a potential target. Amidst the chaos of the Rumbling, Historia went into labor.
Eventually, Eren met his demise, and the Rumbling was halted through the combined efforts of the Survey Corps and the Warriors. Despite lingering support for Eren among the Paradis population, Historia, wielding her influence, utilized her power to safeguard the families of the soldiers who had contributed to stopping Eren. In the ensuing three years, Historia married the father of her child and embarked on peace talks with the outside world.
By the year 857, ambassadors from the outside world were dispatched to Paradis for peace talks. Historia, in a letter to the ambassadors, explained that the Yeagerists on the island had raised an army over the past three years since Eren's death, preparing for potential attacks from the external forces.
The role of Christa Lenz throughout the series
Initially introduced as a seemingly fragile and self-sacrificing individual in Attack on Titan Season 2, her transformation into Historia Reiss reflects the series' exploration of identity, sacrifice, and the consequences of the pursuit of power. Her interactions with Eren Yeager, the protagonist, and other significant characters contribute to the intricate web of relationships that define the series.
One of the defining aspects of Christa's character is her compassion and empathy. In spite of the circumstances she experiences, she always shows kindness and care for others. This compassion becomes her source of strength, making her stand out in a world characterized by brutality and the drive to survive. Her capacity to understand and share the feelings of others when faced with impending disaster deeply connects with viewers and raises her character to a place of moral importance within the story.
As the Attack on Titan series progresses, Christa's role evolves beyond mere personal growth. Her connection to the larger political machinations and the truth behind the Titans transforms her into a symbol of hope and change. Her choices challenge the established order and contribute to the series' exploration of power dynamics, corruption, and the consequences of authoritarian rule.
Final thoughts
As the Attack on Titan series concludes, the legacy of Christa Lenz, now Historia Reiss, remains etched in history. Her character development reflects the underlying themes explored in the series, such as how our identity shapes our decisions and the repercussions of power highlighting the nature of humanity.
In essence, Christa Lenz emerges as an influential figure in Attack on Titan, playing a significant role in establishing the series' reputation as a contemporary masterpiece, within the realm of manga and anime.