Dragon Ball Super and the Dragon Ball franchise at large are home to many inconsistencies and forgotten plotlines. This is due to Toriyama’s chapter by chapter approach when writing Dragon Ball, never concerning himself with long term plot or story.
While this is in part why fans love Dragon Ball so much, it’s a pervasive flaw in the series and Dragon Ball Super is no exception. In fact, it has some of the most glaring inconsistencies in the franchise as a whole.
Dragon Ball Super is a fantastic series which launched Dragon Ball back into the forefront of the small screen world. Yet like other Toriyama works, it certainly still has its fair share of unsolved mysteries.
Dragon Ball Super's 10 biggest unsolved mysteries and unaddressed plot holes
1) What happens if Goku beats Beerus?

The biggest unsolved mystery from Dragon Ball Super is what happens if Goku beats Beerus. Considering this is the plot line of the series’ first arc and movie, it’s a fairly relevant and important question to ask.
While we don’t know for sure how the Gods of Destruction are chosen, it’s safe to assume one beaten by a mortal wouldn’t have their job much longer. Perhaps even the mortal who beats them becomes the next God of Destruction.
With Goku now having Ultra Instinct, many fans are asking if he can beat Beerus in Ultra Instinct. While we don’t know for sure yet, we do at least know that Mastered Ultra Instinct is a power of the God. This would presumably give Goku a fighting chance against Beerus should they rematch.
2) Beerus and the dinosaurs
Speaking of the Dragon Ball Super Battle of the Gods movie and arc, Beerus makes a comment which is extremely interesting. When told that the name of Goku and friends' homeworld is Earth, Beerus remarks it as the planet with the extremely annoying dinosaurs.
Beerus goes on to say he hated them so much that he killed them all. Yet throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, we see dozens of dinosaurs alive and well during Goku and friends’ time. Gohan even befriends a flying dinosaur named Icarus in Dragon Ball Z. A confusing statement by Beerus indeed.
3) Could one of the Angels be evil?

During Dragon Ball Super’s original airing, one of the most popular fan theories was whether or not the Grand Priest of the Angels was evil. Various mannerisms and phrases used by the Grand Priest led fans to this point.
As it turned out for the Grand Priest specifically, he was just stringing them along during the Tournament of Power as he knew everyone would be saved. It was a great way to create suspense and make the stakes feel real.
Yet while the Grand Priest wasn’t evil in the end, it does raise the question of whether an Angel can be evil or not. Being sentient entities with apparent free will, they’d surely be able to make this choice for themselves if it’s what they wanted.
4) Jiren’s strength
A major question stemming from Dragon Ball Super is where Jiren’s immense strength comes from. We know he’s devoted his life to justice and becoming strong, yet we don’t actually know the process by which this is achieved.
It’s entirely possible that, like Goku, Jiren had a latent power due to his heritage which activated as a result of rigorous training. It’s also possible that, like Granolah and now Gas, Jiren simply wished to become the strongest in his universe.
This would lead to him getting his immense strength which rivals Goku, one of the strongest of Universe 7.
5) Who destroyed Jiren’s village?
Continuing with Jiren, we also know where his drive for justice and power comes from. As a young boy, Jiren watched as his village and family were destroyed and torn from him before his very eyes.
While it's very clearly the catalyst for the Jiren we know and love today, we don’t get much more information on this event. Losing one’s family and home is surely enough to want to be strong, there’s no arguing that.
Yet to become as strong as Jiren this surely must be personal, with Jiren wanting revenge against the specific currently unknown person who destroyed his village.
6) Zeno’s power

During Dragon Ball Super’s anime and manga runs so far, we still have no answer on where Zeno’s immense power comes from. While we know he has it due to his status as Omni King, we still don’t know what the source of this power is.
This is an extremely relevant Dragon Ball Super mystery, as Zeno is Universe 7’s guardian and its supreme being. Yet with his childlike lifestyle and attitude, he surely hasn’t trained or sacrificed to obtain this power. Finding out who or what exactly gifts Zeno his universe destroying abilities is a huge Dragon Ball Super mystery indeed.
7) Why did Zeno erase so many universes?
Speaking of Zeno, we’re told during the Dragon Ball Super anime that there used to be 18 universes instead of the current 12. Sadly, Zeno got very angry one day and erased Universes 13-18 as a result.
The biggest question here is why Zeno erased these universes? It’s a safe assumption that his anger was related to these universes, but we don’t know exactly what happened.
Perhaps these Gods of Destruction attempted to overthrow Zeno, and the rebellion was quelled swiftly and forcefully. Until we hear it directly from Dragon Ball Super, this is the best guess we have.
8) Canon Z epilogue
With Dragon Ball Super’s creation, Dragon Ball GT was happily knocked out of canon by fans. In addition to this announcement, we learned that Dragon Ball Super takes place after Kid Buu is defeated, but before the epilogue of DBZ.
This raises a lot of questions about the epilogue and its canonization. For one, a lot more characters and forms would have to be added to the DBZ epilogue for it to be truly canonized. The epilogue itself was already canonized at the time of its release, but the addition of Dragon Ball Super has definitely made its status a new mystery.
9) Who is Zalama?

Likely the single biggest mystery in all of Dragon Ball Super is that of Zalama, creator of the eponymous Super Dragon Balls. It’s often said throughout the Dragon Ball franchise that the Dragon Balls’ powers reflect that of their creators.
Yet the Super Dragon Balls are capable of granting any wish; in other words, they’re omnipotent. This brings a tremendous amount of intrigue to the identity of Zalama, called a Dragon God during Dragon Ball Super. If the wishes his Dragon Balls can grant are limitless, just how powerful was Zalama the individual?
10) What does Universe 6 Planet Sadala look like?
A major part of Dragon Ball Super’s story is the existence of other universes, and specifically parallel universes. A universe’s parallel is found by checking whether the sum of their assigned numbers is 13; Universe One and Universe Twelve are parallel, Eleven and Two, and so on. Universe 7’s parallel counterpart is Universe Six, and within it, there lies Planet Sadala.
Yet unlike Universe Seven, Universe Six’s Planet Sadala is still standing and home to a thriving Saiyan populace. We get a brief look at specifically Kale and Caulifla’s lives on Planet Sadala, but we never see anything beyond that.
Sending Goku and Vegeta there to experience it would be a great way to show viewers what could’ve been.