Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11 witnessed Will Serfort showcasing his hidden power in the form of Ignis Wis against the Evil Grand Duke. After recalling a memory from the depths of his consciousness, the boy realized the answer to defeating the monstrous entity: combining the Wand with the Sword.
On his suggestion, Sion Ulster cast a fire spell, Ignis Rooks, in the boy's direction, which Will absorbed into his blade. A mysterious power surged through the boy's body, as he stood wielding a sword covered in flames. His eyes turned red, and his movements gained more agility.
While effortlessly evading the Grand Evil Duke's attacks, Will Serfort chanted Fully Charged: Ignis Wis, to decimate the monster. So, what is the secret to Will's power? According to the manga, Will Serfort has a unique power called Wis, which allows him to absorb spells and load them into his sword. However, there's more to Wis than this, and the manga explains it well.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga.
Exploring Will Serfort's secret to using Ignis Wis in Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11
Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11 has shown why Will Serfort is a prodigious figure. His ability to absorb magic spells and load them into his sword defines the concept of combining a Wand with the Sword, something Elfaria knows all too well since she witnessed it in the past.
The latest episode made it evident that the Grand Evil Duke couldn't be defeated with normal magic alone. In other words, Sion Ulster's Ignis Rooks alone wasn't enough; Will had to combine it with his sword to have any chance. Luckily, he awakened his hidden power at the right time to burn the foe to cinders and save his friends.

Yet, while Ignis Wis was impressive, it's by no means Will Serfort's ultimate power. As evident from Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11, the boy "absorbed" Sion's "Ignis Rook" to gain the "Ignis" Wis. In other words, he could load other magic spells into his sword to turn it into a magic sword.
Interestingly, the manga reveals that Will Serfort can maintain that state for 50 minutes. However, that's not all of Will Serfort's actual potential. Chapter 35 of the manga mentioned that Will Serfort had accumulated magic within his body since he had the blood of a mage of wand running through his veins.

However, since he couldn't expel the magic, his body kept hoarding them and stored them deep inside him. Although his flesh screamed for a method of magical release, Will could do nothing but stock more magic from outside sources, like how he used Sion's Ignis magic in Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11.
Yet, later, after his training with Ceridwen, Will Serfort learned to load spells from his emotions, thoughts, memories, and feelings. In other words, he no longer had to depend on outside sources. While it consumed more magic power and was difficult to maintain, it came from within him.

Will Serfort's Ignis Wis in Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11 was a marvelous sight as it changed the boy's appearance and endowed him with unimaginable powers. The secret aspect of the power is "Wis," which opens a plethora of possibilities for Will.
After the Dungeon Attack arc, Will Serfort goes on to use Wis more, along with other forms of magic. In other words, Ignis Wis isn't the only form of Wis Will can demonstrate. Nevertheless, the episode has shown Will in a different light and teased a portion of his actual strength.
Also read:
- Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 11 highlights
- Are Wistoria: Wand and Sword and Danmachi connected?
- Why Wignall and Ellenor's backstory in Wistoria: Wand and Sword is the perfect foil to Will and Elfaria's relationship, explained