Jujutsu Kaisen, a popular manga and anime series, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide with its intense battles, captivating characters, and intricate plot. Among the main characters in the series, Kenjaku and Sukuna are the main antagonists of the series.
This article explores Kenjaku's final goal and examines the possible outcomes and future developments in Jujutsu Kaisen. Caution for the readers as it might contain spoilers for the readers.
What is Kenjaku's Final Goal in Jujutsu Kaisen
Kenjaku’s plan isn't about taking over the world or gaining immense power. Kenjaku aims to transform how cursed energy works in people. He carefully orchestrates events to create chaos and reshape the world according to his vision.
Deliberately finding Suguru Geto's body, Kenjaku demonstrates foresight in his actions. His master plan involves merging people with Tengen to amplify their cursed energy without a physical body.
Kenjaku manipulates the United States into invading Japan, promising them access to cursed energy. However, this results in the U.S. army being defeated, releasing a massive amount of cursed energy as part of its strategy. His ultimate goal is to gather enough cursed energy to transform everyone into cursed energy users.
When he realizes he lacks sufficient energy, Kenjaku merges all humans and curses with Tengen. This way, he hopes to uncover all the secrets of human potential and cursed energy.
Potential Outcomes
1. Unleashing Unprecedented Havoc:
If Kenjaku succeeds in his final goal, the world as fans know it could be plunged into absolute chaos. Without regulated jujutsu sorcerers and the influence of powerful curses under control, the balance that protects humanity would crumble. This would lead to an influx of curses running rampant, threatening the existence of mankind.
2. Merge Humanity With Tengen
Kenjaku will try to merge everyone in Japan with Tengen to create a fusion that might produce a new hybrid person, which Kenjaku also wants to study because he does not want any boundaries between curses and humans.
3. Allies and Betrayals:
Kenjaku's manipulative nature suggests the possibility of alliances and betrayals within the jujutsu sorcerer ranks. He has already formed a group known as the "Self-Defense Force," comprised of cursed beings and individuals sympathetic to his cause. It remains to be seen who among Kenjaku’s followers will remain loyal and who might turn against him.
As the series progresses, the future developments in Jujutsu Kaisen will likely revolve around the resolution of Kenjaku's final goal.
FAQs on Kenjaku's final goal
A. Kenjaku, also known as Geto Suguru, is a mysterious and cunning character in Jujutsu Kaisen. He serves as a central antagonist to create a world filled with chaos and curses.
A. Kenjaku's primary objective is to create a world of absolute chaos and curses. Fueled by his disdain for humanity and a desire for eternal life, he plans to disrupt the balance between jujutsu sorcerers and curses.
A. Kenjaku aims to break the delicate balance between jujutsu sorcerers and curses, potentially unleashing unprecedented havoc. He also seeks to merge humanity with Tengen, creating a fusion that blurs the boundaries between curses and humans.
A. If Kenjaku succeeds, the world could be plunged into absolute chaos, with curses running rampant and threatening humanity's existence. There's also the possibility of a new hybrid existence resulting from merging humanity with Tengen.