The world of Chainsaw Man is quite an intriguing one. In this universe, Devils are a race of supernatural entities that feed on humanity's fears. They are born with a "name" that embodies a concept, and the more feared the concept, the stronger the Devil.
This ranges from Devils like the Sea Cucumber Devil and Bat Devil to primal fears such as the War Devil and the Death Devil. Amid all this exists a peculiarity - the Angel Devil. He embodies the fear of Angels and isn't hostile towards humans.
As guessed, Makima managed to get her hands on this individual. Through cunning manipulation, she tricked him into committing an atrocity, recruited him, and then used him as a tool. Here's everything about what Makima did to Angel.
Angel Devil's origins in Chainsaw Man

According to his limited memory, Angel found himself in a coastal village after arriving in the human world. There, he was taken in by a community of people who looked after him, regardless of him being a Devil. During his time there, he claimed to have courted a young woman, describing her as "the one I loved, and the one who loved me."
The Angel Devil is Chainsaw Man's most unique case. He bears no ill will towards humans and considers himself a Devil first, then an Angel. Despite stating that he believes humans ought to die in pain, he has been seen apologizing to and comforting humans in their deaths.
This suggests a form of affection towards humans, likely stemming from his part-angel nature.
How was Makima able to manipulate Angel Devil?

The first encounter between Makima and Angel is a jarring one. It took place when Angel was living peacefully in the community he had found. One day, while the community people, Angel, and his partner were visiting the beach, Makima turned up.
She began asking to see his devil powers. Understandably, he refused at first, but she insisted, eventually ordering him to do so. A few hours later, he awoke to the sight of his community people, including his partner, dead. Apparently, he had absorbed everyone's lives.
Makima's Control Devil allowed her to subdue Angel's memories, making him forget his past and what he had. Thus, she captured him and hired him as a Devil Hunter.
Why Angel Devil suddenly remembered his origins, explained

Through much of Part 1, Angel remains under Makima's control due to her suppression of his memories. However, this changes during the Gun Devil Arc. Following the incident involving the Darkness Devil and Hell, Angel couldn't heal his severed arms.
Aki visited him, urging him to form contracts with humans since he could no longer fulfill his current role in Public Safety. After that, he bids Angel farewell, anticipating that he might not survive against the Gun Devil. But Angel accompanied him to discuss options with Makima, not wanting Aki to die.
Their run-in takes a completely different turn as she uses her Control Devil powers to contract with Aki. At this moment, Angel's suppressed memories flood back, and he remembers her compelling him to do what he did to everyone in the village, including his partner. This realization makes him attack her, but Makima proves too powerful, as she takes control of him as one of her weapons.
Related links:
- Did the Chainsaw Man anime fail to live up to the hype? Explained
- 10 most powerful characters in Chainsaw Man Part 1, ranked
- Chainsaw Man: Every Devil who was contracted to Aki Hayakawa