Blue Lock is one of the most popular soccer manga series today, featuring the enigmatic character Nagi Seishiro. Known for his impeccable skills on the court, Nagi is a fan-favorite player - a kid with extraordinary talent and a big ego, also known as the "prodigy."
Before joining the Blue Lock project, Nagi played in the English football league for Mashine City. He then received an invitation to be a part of the project and finally became a member of the V-Team, achieving the highest rank possible among his teammates.
What are his abilities? How does he develop in the game? What's pushing Nagi to become the most egotistic striker in Japan? This article attempts to answer some of these questions as it examines Nagi's psyche to explore the real content of his ego as well as understand his motivations and how they drive his performance in the series.
Disclaimer: Major spoilers ahead.
Blue Lock's most arrogant personality: A look into creative midfielder Nagi
Nagi Seishiro is one of the top players in the Blue Lock project.
A lazy and arrogant football player with exceptional skills, Nagi could easily be ranked among the top three players in the series. His impact is noticeable among other players, such as Itoshi Rin, the best player in the series so far.
He doesn't care much about anything, except for video games, which you'll see him playing most of the time. He's disorganized and maintains a vision to play without any training at the beginning.
Nagi is a creative midfielder with a powerful vision and on-the-ball intelligence. His ability to convert a lost opportunity into a real chance of scoring makes him an exceptional candidate who can shine in the most challenging plays during the game.
Nagi's skills develop at an amazing speed in the series, considering that he has less time playing soccer than other players with more experience. Part of his arsenal includes incredible jumping skills, amazing reflexes, flexibility, athleticism, and good speed, which can be hard to believe given his lazy nature.
Unleashing the power of perfect ball control: Nagi's journey in Blue Lock
There's no other player in the Blue Lock project who has Nagi's perfect ball control. He can be in any position and still be capable of having the ball on his foot the way he wants.
This ability was mastered after his first loss against the Z-Team, where he tasted the feeling of defeat for the first time. Following that, he began to see his teammate Reo Mikage as an obstacle to reaching his dream of becoming the most egotistical striker on Japan's national team.
The rise of Nagi's ego: An overview of his incredible catching ability
Nagi's main skill and the reason why Reo sees him as someone who can help him prove his worth in the Blue Lock project is that he can literally jump from anywhere and catch the ball in the run.
He scored an incredible flip-back volley goal to put the game 4-3 up in the first match against Isagi Yoichy in the series' chapter 32. Here, he catches the ball in an impossible corner position surrounded by 3 defenders.
This was the first time that Nagi had an awakening of his game and started to elevate his ego.
Final thoughts
After going through Nagi Seishiro's abilities and some of his personality, we can define his ego in the manga series by his ability to trap the ball in complex positions, show outstanding flexibility, and apply perfect ball control. He's undoubtedly one of the best strikers in the series.
Furthermore, Nagi goes beyond these abilities, dominating the game as the feeling of enjoying football leads him to overcome his own limits.
He is a crucial character of the project, and a large portion of the series shows his impact.