With the release of the Minato manga titled Naruto: The Whorl Within the Spiral on Monday, July 17, 2023, Naruto fans were left in awe with the original story taking place after so many years. Since its release, the new one-shot manga has been trending all over the internet.
The brand-new Minato manga is a special 55-page one-shot that emphasizes the relationship between Minato and Kushina before they got together as well as the origin of the Rasengan technique.
However, some were left wondering why the Minato manga won't be continued or why there won't be a Minato manga chapter 2. Furthermore, in addition to this, many are interested in learning more about what is a One Shot.
Minato manga, Naruto: The Whorl Within the Spiral, was intended to be a One Shot from the beginning
What is a One Shot?
Since the release of the Minato manga, Naruto: The Whorl Within the Spiral, many fans around the world who are new to the manga universe have been wondering what is a One Shot.
One Shot refers to a pilot manga or a stand-alone story made to last for just one issue. Even though there are no subsequent issues, these single issues are frequently referred to as #1s and occasionally have designation specials.
Furthermore, these One Shot manga are written when a topic is not financially lucrative enough to warrant an ongoing or limited series but still popular enough to warrant regular publication, usually annually or quarterly. In that case, a character of any nature, whether villain or hero or any significant concept, may occasionally appear in a series of one-shots.
Not only that but One Shot manga are also frequently created for contests and occasionally expanded into long-form manga series. Numerous popular manga series, including Dragon Ball, Berserk, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Death Note, and many others, were first released as stand-alone works. In other words, they all began as One Shot manga before being expanded into an ongoing series.
Reason for not having Minato manga chapter 2
As mentioned above, it has been made clear what is a One Shot. Now, with regard to the Minato manga's query, the answer is that the manga is a One Shot and will not have any additional chapters or chapter 2.
Fans from all over the world gathered to vote for their favorite Naruto character as part of the 20th-anniversary celebration of the series, with Minato being voted as the most popular character in the franchise by fans.
As a result, a brand-new one-shot manga focusing solely on the character that garnered the most popularity won the special award. Therefore, it was predetermined from the start that the winner would get a One Shot manga about them.
Also, as part of the 20th-anniversary celebration for Naruto, this year will see a significant return of the original Naruto anime for a special new season later this autumn. Thus, Masashi Kishimoto may release another chapter until September if the fans demand it and create enough pressure for more of the manga's content. This new Naruto anime, which is set to debut in September, is said to have four episodes.
Final thoughts
Naruto fans were ecstatic when a new one-shot story was added to the franchise. Along with their favorite character, they also got to watch Kushina, Jiraya, and other characters. Viewers also got to see how Rasengan got its name and how Minato created it.
Aside from that, the fandom community is overjoyed and eager for more chapters, if possible. However, because the manga is a one-shot, it is unlikely that it will receive any further chapters. Nevertheless, the manga might get another chapter if there is a sizable demand from the fans.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.