Have you ever wished for a Pokemon as a birthday gift? If you are a fan of the series, it is likely that you have wished for your own powerful partner more than once on your birthday. However, have you ever thought about which Pokemon you would be, based on your birthday?
Each month is characterized by certain personality traits and behaviors that can be commonly found in people born in that month. We have listed which Pokemon resonates with your identity on the basis of your birth month below.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author's opinion.
Your birthday month can decide your Pokemon identity, let's find out what you are
January – Eevee
January is a month known for change. It is the first month of the year, and most of us take it as an opportunity to change for the better and prepare for the upcoming year. The previous year is now officially behind us, with all its good and bad days. January gives us a chance to reinvent ourselves.
If you were born in this month of change, you are akin to Eevee. A creature known for its adaptability, its many evolutions and its happy attitude, Eevee embraces change, and you can become whoever you want to be.
February – Luvdisc
February is here, and love is already filling the air. The month of love usually sees the birth of new relationships and the celebration of old ones. Whether it is romantic love, or the affection you feel towards your friends and family, there is no better time than February to celebrate the same.
If you were born in this month, you are Luvdisc. The unique heart shape renders its special, and you can bring forth all the warmth and love in your heart in the shape of this Pokemon.
March – Florges
Spring is here! The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and it is a beautiful day outside. March is characterized by flowers, vibrant colors, and outdoor activities. Being neither too hot nor too cold, March provides the perfect weather for outdoor enjoyment.
Those born in March will surely enjoy nature in the form of Florges. This elegant and beautiful Pokemon represents the month perfectly. Bright hues and gorgeous florals are a perfect match for Florges.
April – Rotom

April has arrived with an overload of pranks. April Fool’s day used to be an American holiday, but the internet has made it a popular tradition in various parts of the world. If you were born in the month of mischief and have a strong sense of humor, you will love being the electric-type Rotom.
With its ability to hide inside electronic devices. Rotom can take anyone by surprise by staying inside the microwave or the freezer and playing minor pranks. Whatever form it takes, Rotom’s prankster nature is likely to resonate with you.
May – Kangaskhan
If you were born in May, it is likely that you have a caring and nurturing personality. You are often considered the mother of the group. Kangashkan is your Pokemon counterpart.
Kangaskhan always carries a little baby in its pouch, and never allows any danger to hurt the little one. It is the ideal mother, and will go to any extent to protect their loved ones. Similarly, those who are born in May are fiercely protective of their people.
June – Drampa
June, the month that sees the beginning of the heatwaves, is actually the birth month of logical, sensible people who can make others around them feel safe and secure.
As such, Drampa is the ideal counterpart for those born in June. A friendly creature, it likes to hang around small towns to play with children and take care of them. One should never get on its bad side or hurt the children it cares for because their house could easily end up as a flaming inferno.
July – Castform
Summery July can be quite fun and comforting at the same time. However, it can also bring forth surprises because the sky can become overcast before you know it.
If you were born in July, you are likely to be Castform since it represents these crazy weather changes perfectly. Castfom have a different form for different weather conditions, and it adapts to the atmosphere, much like how you keep an open-minded approach to most things.
August – Alakazam

It is the month to go back to school. While some are disappointed by the holidays ending, others find solace in the idea of seeing their friends again. This is the month for learning and making new friends, so a Pokemon that is always trying to become smarter is the perfect fit.
If you were born in August, you are most likely to be Alakazam. Perpetually aiming for self-imrpovement, the Pokemon likes to be around its trainer and thrives upon social interaction.
September - Milotic
September is normally a peaceful month, which makes it highly suitable for International Peace Day. If you were born this month, you are likely to be calm and serious. You shy away from conficts and prefer to be away from the crowd. You share similarities with Milotic who enjoys the peace and quiet at the bottom of lakes.
Moreover, Milotic also hates conflict. Whenever it senses two creatures having a dispute nearby, it will come out of its hiding place to pacify them with its beauty.
October – Mimikyu

The spooky month is always fun. It is time for everyone to get their costumes ready, and go out to ask for candy, play pranks and attend parties. This month allows everyone to break free of their shells and enjoy themselves openly. If you were born in the month, it is likely that you express your fun-loving self only in certain company.
You are similar to Mimikyu, who is always trying to showcase its adorable and friendly nature by dressing as Pikachu. This ghost-type Pokemon just wants a little love and attention, and it is already in costume which makes it ideal for October-borns.
November – Yamask
November, the second last month of the year, often makes us nostalgic and we reminisce about those who left us behind. Many countries around the world have a tradition to commemorate those who have passed in this month.
Yamask is the perfect Pokemon for this month. The creature, born from the soul of a human, carries around a mask that mimics their human face. In a way, it remembers and honors its own death.
December – Delibird
It is time for Christmas, unlimited presents and a lot of good food. The most celebratory month of the year, December is the time to spend time around one's loving family and friends. It is also time to show appreciation towards those who help and support us.
If you were born in December, you are Delibird. Not only does it carry around its own little giftbag, but it also has a unique move called present. Delibird can either heal or damage its opponents, much like the Christmas surprises that can make or break your holiday.
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