Jujutsu Kaisen, known for its thrilling battles and intricate magical lore, recently aired season 2 episode 9, much to the excitement of fans. This episode delves deep into the Prison Realm, with many viewers wondering what this pocket dimension holds for Satoru Gojo.
As seen in the episode, Pseudo Geto's plot to imprison Gojo in this dimension was put into action, with Mahito, Choso, Jogo, and Hanami all joining forces to buy time. This article will explore the details of this Prison Realm that plays a crucial role in the Shibuya Incident arc and changes the entire trajectory of the story by sealing Gojo. The origins, abilities, and significance of this powerful cursed object within the Jujutsu Kaisen storyline shall be explored as well.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Geto's sinister scheme and the sealing of Satoru Gojo
In the Shibuya Incident arc, Pseudo Geto employed a clever tactic to defeat the seemingly invincible Satoru Gojo by utilizing the Prison Realm as a secret weapon. Realizing that defeating Gojo head-on was nearly impossible, Geto formed an alliance with Mahito and other powerful cursed spirits to execute this plan.
The inclusion of the Prison Realm added a layer of suspense to the storyline, highlighting the complexities while also shining a light on the mystery surrounding the Jujutsu society.
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 9 revolved around these mysteries in the form of the Prison Realm and the subsequent efforts at sealing Satoru Gojo inside this pocket dimension. A living barrier that possesses the ability to seal anything or anyone within an inescapable finite universe, the Prison Realm holds great importance in the stories. It takes center stage during the Shibuya Incident arc.
Considered a taboo object in the Jujutsu Universe, its origins can be traced back to Buddhist monk Genshin. The Prison Realm poses a significant threat to characters in the series, especially when it falls into the hands of adversaries such as Geto.
When dormant, the prison realm takes on the form of a small cube that can easily fit into the palm of one's hand. It is securely bound by talismanic restraints. However, its true power is unleashed when the incantation "gate open" is spoken.
When activated, the cube undergoes a horrifying transformation, distorting into a fleshy mass held together by remnants of its original form. At its core lies a massive eye, oozing blood and kept open by sutures, fixated on its desired target.
In order to effectively utilize the prison realm, there are certain conditions that need to be met. The target must be confined within a radius of four meters for a specific duration, which can vary depending on the individual.
For someone as powerful as Satoru Gojo, this required keeping him within that radius for a minute, although that one minute doesn't have to be in real-time. One minute only needs to pass inside Gojo's own mind. If the target manages to escape this range in time, the sealing process of the Prison Realm will not succeed.
In the Prison Realm, time ceases to move forward, trapping individuals in a nightmarish environment. Shadows of skeletons loom, creating an unsettling atmosphere that intensifies the emotional torment of confinement.
The Jujutsu Kaisen manga later revealed that the Prison Realm has two gates, the front gate and the back gate. The front gate is primarily used for sealing purposes, whereas the back gate is essential for unsealing.
Opening the Prison Realm requires authority over the front gate while unlocking it through the back of the prison realm necessitates using a cursed technique that can cancel or nullify other cursed techniques. This was evident when Gojo was finally unsealed via Angel's cursed technique that nullified other cursed techniques.
Final Thoughts
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 9 aired and managed to drop some significant lore dumps throughout the episode, leaving the fans with the question, What is the Prison Realm? The episode also highlighted the existence of a monk named Genshin, who was the original person who got reduced to the form of the Prison Realm. In addition, the episode also introduced a never-before-seen Gojo with a significantly less serene but considerably more ferocious temperament.