In My Hero Academia, Katsuki Bakugo is one of the strongest students of U.A. High’s Class 1-A. He is known for his devastating Quirk “Explosion" as well as his violent nature. In the U.A. Entrance Exam, Bakugo managed to earn first position with most of the Villain points. Over the course of time, Bakugo trained even harder to enhance his overall abilities to a formidable level.
In the series, Bakugo started off as a bully berating young Izuku Midoriya for being Quirkless. Even after growing up, he continued to be arrogant. Bakugo's untameable anger is one of the highlights of his character.
Apart from yelling and cursing people, he uses his anger mostly in combat. This article will debunk the reason behind his unwavering rage and agony.
Why does Bakugo have a violent disposition in My Hero Academia?
Bakugo is the most arrogant individual in My Hero Academia. He keeps boasting about his Quirk and is too proud of his lineage. Even when he was just a kid, he had a superiority complex which made him behave condescendingly towards others who were weaker than him.
After Bakugo got his powerful Quirk during his childhood, he was fawned upon by others. He stopped being friends with Izuku Midoriya since the latter was Quirkless and started bullying him. He gave him the name “Deku,” which literally means a useless person who is incapable of doing anything.
Due to his superiority complex, he also developed a habit of berating others often. He also could not stand people who were stronger than him.
Several theories have been found floating around, stating the actual reason behind Bakugo’s anger.
One of these theories claims that Bakugo’s anger is directly linked to his Quirk “Explosion.” He uses his anger to keep surviving since his body holds Nitroglycerin, which can lower his heart rate. He maintains his stress to keep his heart beating. Moreover, if Bakugo stops stressing out, he will pass out in no time, which would be stressful in the middle of a battle.
Another theory regarding Bakugo's anger issues in My Hero Academia is that he was abused by his mother. He was shown getting smacked by his mother in front of All Might. Instead of apologizing to his mother, he started giving her threats. However, this theory is unlikely based on their reaction when Bakugo’s father tried to calm them both down. Bakugo's mother also stated that he was indeed good at everything but being flattered for every little thing made him the way he was.
Bakugo mostly uses his anger to fuel his strength in combat. Without his rage, his overall capabilities are undermined. Most people, when consumed with anger and agony, stop thinking pragmatically and start disregarding strategies. In the case of Bakugo, it is quite the opposite. He possesses overwhelming tactical intellect even when he is ill-tempered.
With age and adulthood, he has realized that there are many powerful individuals who are far stronger than him. As a result, he has become more level-headed and also started cooperating with Midoriya and others. Although Bakugo has left his arrogant and antagonistic disposition behind, he still retains his anger and that’s what makes him one of the strongest characters in My Hero Academia.