Makoto Shinkai, a well-known name in the anime industry, directed Suzume film. His films are known for stunning visuals and supernatural elements, and they seamlessly fuse modern Japan with folktales that children grew up listening to. This unique blend has made Makoto Shinkai one of the most successful and beloved anime film directors.
Suzume is one such work, and it performed quite well at the global box office as well. Given the popularity of this film, members of the anime and manga community have a question: What should you watch before Suzume? The answer is nothing since Suzume film is a standalone work from Shinkai.
Do fans need to watch anything before the Suzume film? Exploring Makoto Shinkai’s works and common themes
As stated earlier, fans aren’t required to watch any of Makoto Shinkai’s previous films before watching the Suzume film. That being said, fans can watch a few of his works to get an idea of what they can expect in the aforementioned film. While each of his works is unique in its own way, there are a few common elements that make up a signature Makoto Shinkai film.
One of the most apparent themes is the use of folklore and supernatural elements. In Suzume, the concept of earthquake is explored in depth. As per Japanese mythology, creatures known as Namazu reside in the Underworld. These creatures cause earthquakes, and to neutralize this situation, Gods would utilize stones known as Kaname-ishi.
Makoto Shinkai’s most popular work, Your Name, is a movie every anime fan must watch. Much like the above-mentioned example, this film also utilizes mythological elements and blends with a love story that transcends time and space. This film intertwines Japanese mythological elements with time travel in the most surreal and beautiful manner possible.
Another common motif in Shinkai’s works is natural calamity. The Suzume film explores earthquakes, Your Name explores a meteor crash, and another film, Weathering With You, explores storms. Makoto Shinkai utilizes natural calamities to unite the characters and draw out the characters’ positive emotions towards each other.
More often than not, this motif is used when the main character has a love interest. This motif reinforces the characters' romantic feelings, which in turn evokes strong emotions from the viewers. With some of his popular works and common themes explored, this would be the perfect time to revisit the streaming details of the film.
Where to watch the Suzume film
Fans can watch the Suzume film on Crunchyroll since the platform acquired exclusive streaming rights to stream this movie. However, fans must avail of the streaming platform’s paid services to watch the movie. Furthermore, fans in select locations can purchase the Blu-Ray disc of the film, which was released sometime in September 2023.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.