The popular anime series Black Clover has captivated audiences with its unique storyline, relatable characters, and thrilling action scenes. The plot follows two orphans named Asta and Yuno as they set out on a quest to become the Wizard King, the most powerful wizard, in a world where magic is an integral part of daily life.
Black Clover, written and illustrated by Yuki Tabata, began serialization on February 2015 in Weekly Shonen Jump’s 12th issue. Black Clover’s anime adaptation, produced by Studio Pierrot, began airing on October 2017, and after the release of 170 episodes, it finished airing on March 30, 2021, with four seasons out. Since then, fans have been eagerly waiting for the release of season 5 and the rest of the chapters.
When to expect the future installments of Black Clover's manga and anime
Fans have been eager and frustrated after Yuki Tabata announced a month-long hiatus on the series after chapter 358 in April 2023. The previous chapter ended with a cliffhanger, as Mereoleona unleashed her new ability, Flame Burial, to incinerate Morris and his tentacles.
The series will be absent in the Weekly Shonen Jump’s next two issues, with its return set to take place from issue 25 on May 22, 2023, for people in Japan. For the rest of the world, the timing is as follows:
- Pacific Standard Time: 7 am, Sunday, May 21
- Central Standard Time: 9 am, Sunday, May 21
- Eastern Standard Time: 10 am, Sunday, May 21
- British Standard Time: 3 pm, Sunday, May 21
- Central European Time: 4 pm, Sunday, May 21
- Indian Standard Time: 8.30 pm, Sunday, May 21
- Philippine Standard Time: 11 pm, Sunday, May 21
- Australia Central Standard Time: 12.30 am, Monday, May 22
The release of Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King film has been officially announced and will be available to audiences on June 16, with Netflix being the platform to stream the movie.
The anime adaptation of the series stopped airing in March 2021, putting the Spade Kingdom Raid arc on pause, and has since left fans in suspense and craving for more. There is still no answer for why this happened, but it is highly possible it was stopped because the anime adaptation was catching up to the manga series.
The series is sure to resume the suspense-filled storyline, and fans will most likely get the chance to explore Asta and Liebe's growth and relationship.
Unfortunately, there has been no official declaration about when season 5 of the series will air. But information from sources states that the episode will most likely air sometime later in 2023 or 2024.
Brief summary of Black Clover
Black Clover follows the story of Asta and Yuno, two orphans raised together in a world where magic is everything. Asta, who has no magical abilities, dreams of becoming the Wizard King, the strongest magic user in the country. Yuno, on the other hand, is a prodigy with immense magical power and aims to become the Wizard King as well.
The story explores their respective paths to becoming powerful magic users. They encounter various challenges and obstacles, including other powerful wizards, conspiracies, and even demons of the underworld.
Along the way, they make new friends and allies, such as the members of the Black Bulls, a group of eccentric and powerful magic knights. Together, Asta, Yuno, and their allies face dangerous enemies, protect their kingdom, and strive to achieve their dreams.