Black Clover is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that follows the story of Asta, a young boy born without magic in a world where magic is everything. While some viewers may find the early episodes of the anime to be slow-paced, the series gradually builds up to some exciting and action-packed moments that make it worth the watch. So, when does Black Clover get good? Let's take a closer look.
The first few episodes of Black Clover introduce us to the world of the story and the main characters, Asta and Yuno. We learn about their shared past and their dreams of becoming the Wizard King. However, some viewers may find these episodes to be slow-paced and lacking in action.
However, as the series progresses, we begin to see some exciting moments that make it clear that Black Clover is building up to something great. For example, the introduction of the Magic Knights selection exam in episode 5 gives us a taste of the action to come. The battles between the candidates are intense and showcase the unique magical abilities of each character.
Another standout moment in the early episodes is Asta's first use of his anti-magic sword. This moment shows us that even though Asta lacks magical abilities, he still has the potential to become a powerful fighter.
As the series goes on, we see more intense battles and conflicts, and the stakes get higher. For example, the battle between the Black Bulls and the Eye of the Midnight Sun in episodes 35-36 is a highlight of the series. The battle showcases the teamwork and fighting abilities of the Black Bulls and raises the stakes for the rest of the series.
Overall, while some viewers may find the early episodes of Black Clover to be slow-paced, the series gradually builds up to some exciting and action-packed moments that make it worth the watch. Whether you're a fan of manga or anime, there's no denying the impact that Black Clover has had on the world of Japanese entertainment.
If you're new to the series or struggling to get into it, we recommend sticking with it until at least episode 5 to get a taste of the action to come.