In the captivating world of Bleach, there are few characters who can match the thrilling excitement and mysterious charm of Kenpachi Zaraki. Renowned for his unwavering thirst for combat and unquenchable hunger for power, Kenpachi has always held a special place in the hearts of fans throughout the entire Bleach series.
However, it was his recent astounding power boost, triggered by the demise of Unohana Yachiru, that created ripples of astonishment within the Bleach community. Finally, in episode 7 of the Bleach Thousand Year Blood War arc part 2, devoted fans were given an unforgettable spectacle as they stood witness to Kenpachi's first breath-taking battle since this transformative event took place.
As per fans, the battle between Kenpachi and Gremmy was truly epic. Kenpachi revealed the released form of his Shikai for the first time, which had fans captivated and asking the question: When does Kenpachi use Bankai? In the manga, he used his Bankai for the first time in chapter 669.
Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for the Bleach manga and upcoming Bleach TYBW anime episodes.
Bleach chapter 669: Reveal of Kenpachi's Bankai
In chapter 669 of Bleach, Kenpachi, along with Hitsugaya and Byakuya, faces off against Gerard Valkyrie. Gerard possesses the Schrift M, which stands for "miracle." This extraordinary ability grants him the power to resist almost any damage by manifesting the thoughts of countless individuals into reality.
The battle starts off with high hopes, but Gerard gains the advantage and delivers a devastating blow to Kenpachi. The latter finds himself overwhelmed by Gerard's relentless attack. However, just when things seem dire, Yachiru, who had been suspicious since the start of the Bleach TYBW arc, unexpectedly appears in front of Kenpachi. Yachiru then says:
"Silly Goose, If you would just use me properly... there wouldn't be anyone you won't be able to cut down, Ken-chan."
Notably, this is a peculiar dialogue that continues to fuel many fan theories about Kenpachi Zaraki's Bankai and Yachiru. After meeting Yachiru, Kenpachi is granted a hidden power that turns out to be his Bankai. When he activates it, Kenpachi goes through a dramatic change – his skin becomes red, and he adopts a beast-like stance, with noticeable horn-like features on his face that resemble an ogre.
With the power of his newly acquired Bankai, Kenpachi effortlessly slices off one of Gerard Valkyrie's arms. This surprising display amazes everyone present, considering Gerard's previous ability to withstand their attacks. However, Gerard's Schrift quickly regenerates his lost limb, displaying its incredible resilience once again.
Undeterred, Kenpachi's unwavering aggression drives him to launch a slashing attack against Gerard. The force of this attack shatters Gerard's shield and sends him plummeting from the palace of the Soul King.
In a miraculous turn of events, Gerard showcases his extraordinary powers yet again by sprouting wings and swiftly rejoining the battle. The chapter reaches its peak when Kenpachi delivers a powerful strike, splitting Gerard Valkyrie in half, bringing an intense and climactic end to this gripping clash of strength and determination. This was an adequate reveal that quelled the fans' questions regarding when Kepachi uses Bankai.
Final thoughts
In conclusion, chapter 669 of Bleach was a significant turning point in the series. It showcased a breathtaking revelation of Kenpachi's Bankai, exciting those who were keen to know when Kenpachi uses Bankai.
This chapter was highly anticipated among fans, and when the anime adaptation of Bleach Thousand Year Blood War arrives, it will undoubtedly captivate audiences once again, becoming a standout moment in the Bleach series.
Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses. Find the complete list of Bleach filler episodes to skip here.