The first season of Attack on Titan anime had an undeniable impact on the world of anime when it was released in 2013. It was animated by WIT Studio at the time, which went on to produce two more seasons of Hajime Isayama's popular series.
However, after the third season, the anime was dropped by WIT Studio and production was handed over to MAPPA Studio. Although it's not entirely uncommon for different studios to take over the production of a series in the anime industry, this seemingly abrupt move came as a surprise to many.
WIT Studios announced that the final season of Attack on Titan anime would be produced by another company in 2019
With the release of the Attack on Titan anime, WIT Studio built up a great reputation over the past decade. Their flawless animation of the series showcased their improvement throughout the years as a studio that was initially launched by a bunch of animators, who were once a part of Production I.G. The studio announced the fourth and final season of Attack on Titan anime in 2019, which was supposed to premiere in the Fall of 2020.
This is why it came as a shock to many when WIT Studios announced in 2019 that the final season of the anime would be produced by another company. The news did not generate much hype, as there have been several cases in the past where a series experienced a decline in animation quality after switching studios.
However, this proved to not be the case when it came to the Attack on Titan anime. It was later revealed that MAPPA Studios would be taking over the production of the final season of the series. It was said that the reason behind the handover was mainly due to the escalating scale of the title.
Apparently, several other studios refused to take over the production of the final season of the series, as many thought that it would be impossible to fill Wit Studio's shoes.
Eventually, the head of WIT Studios, George Wada cleared up the misconceptions and shed some light on the reason behind them handing over the production of the series to MAPPA. He spoke to Anime News Network and said that they initially had a contract to do only one season for the anime. When the DVD sales results came in, the studio got an offer to do a second and third season.
However, he admitted that at the time, his management skills weren't as proficient as they are today and that he could not add the final season to the schedule as he already had other shows lined up for funding. Since the fans of the series, as well as the publishers, wanted the next season out as soon as possible, they felt like they had to hand over the responsibility of producing the rest of the series to another studio.
This is what ended up happening, as MAPPA Studios took over the production of Attack on Titan's fourth and final season.
To conclude
Thankfully for fans, the change in animation studios did not affect the animation quality of Attack on Titan at all. Conversely, it seemed to have improved in certain aspects, as the general designs and color schemes looked closer to the characters' appearances in the manga.