Given how unexpectedly popular the television anime adaptation has been, many fans are now wondering where to pick up the Loner Life in Another World manga series. While the television anime adapts author Shoji Goji and illustrator Booota/Saku Enokimaru’s original light novel series, there also exists a manga adaptation of the light novel.
Likewise, since all three editions feature the same story content and material, it’s nevertheless fairly easy to transition into the Loner Life in Another World manga. Making the transition even easier is the fact that the anime is moving through the source material at a blistering pace. After just two episodes, the series has adapted over eight manga chapters worth of material.
However, fans are curious both where to start the Loner Life in Another World manga after the anime’s latest episode and after the anime’s first season concludes. Follow along as this article explains where to start the manga after the anime’s latest episode as of this writing, and speculatively explores where the first season may end.
Where to start the Loner Life in Another World manga after episode 2, explained
For those not interested in viewing any material that was cut from or reordered in the anime, they can begin the Loner Life in Another World manga at chapter 9. The ninth installment in the manga begins shortly before the spot where the second episode of the anime ends. Specifically, the ninth chapter opens up with the Class Rep reuniting with Haruka and the other popular girls.
However, it’s worth emphasizing that the anime has both cut and reordered a significant amount of material relative to what’s seen in the manga. This is to be expected, as while the light novel, manga, and anime all adapt the same story, they likely go about it in different ways. This stems from the differences in traditional storytelling that exist in each of the three mediums, in turn, dictating which approach is best for each version.
What’s significant here is that the anime cut and reordered a few scenes as a result to tell a better television story. Likewise, for those fans who want to read the manga to get the full experience of the original story, it’s advised that they begin with the manga’s first chapter. Each issue is also fairly short, meaning this won’t add a significant amount of time. Otherwise, fans can begin with chapter 9 as mentioned above.
Where to start the manga after season 1, explored
As of this article’s writing, the television anime series has only aired two of its 12 total episodes for the first season. This episode count is officially confirmed via Blu-ray listings for the series on the anime’s official website. What fans do know is that just over eight chapters of material have been adapted by the anime across two of these 12 episodes.
This would suggest that the anime will end at roughly the 48th chapter of the manga series. While a large number indeed, it’s worth emphasizing that the television anime adaptation has been cutting material already, making this number much more attainable. Given the story beat, which takes place in chapter 48 of the Loner Life in Another World manga, this seems most likely as of this article’s writing.
In summation
Those looking to transition into the manga can begin with its ninth chapter, the start of which coincides with the end of the Loner Life in Another World anime’s second episode. Based on the pacing the anime has shown so far, it’s expected (but not confirmed) that the first season will end on roughly the 48th manga chapter’s events.
Related links
- Loner Life in Another World episode 3 release date and time
- Loner Life in Another World episode 2 release date and time
- Loner Life in Another World anime announces October 2024 release date and additional cast