Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is a highly anticipated manga series scheduled to be released on August 20, 2023. After being on hiatus since March 2023, the Boruto manga series will make its return with chapter 81 carrying the same title. This chapter not only introduces a new story arc but also brings forth a significant time skip of four years.
The manga serves as a sequel to the beloved Naruto series, continuing the captivating tale of Boruto Uzumaki, the son of Naruto. Anticipation runs high among dedicated followers of Naruto worldwide for this highly anticipated release.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga: Where to read and other details
The Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga is now available to read on various online platforms. You can find this exciting manga on different websites and apps where you enjoy reading. Some of the platforms that offer the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga are as follows:
1) Viz Media serves as the official publisher for Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga. This captivating manga can be accessed and enjoyed on both iOS and Android devices through the user-friendly Viz Media website and app. The best part is that readers can delve into this exciting story without any cost, thanks to the availability of free reading options on the Viz Media website and app.
2) Shueisha, the publisher of the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga in Japan, offers readers access to the manga through their website and app. The Shueisha website and app are compatible with both iOS and Android devices. Furthermore, readers can enjoy free access to the manga on these platforms.
3) Manga UP! is an official app for reading manga legally, offering a free trial to users. Fans can enjoy the initial chapters of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex without any cost, but to continue reading further chapters, a subscription is required.
Release schedule of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 1 will be released on Sunday, August 20, 2023, globally.
Here is the zone-wise release schedule for the manga chapters:
- 8 am PDT
- 10 am CDT
- 11 am Eastern Time
- 4 am British Time
- 5 pm European Time
- 8.30 pm IST
- 11 pm Philippine Time
- 12.30 am Australian Time
More about Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga
According to reports, the Boruto manga timeskip will begin with Boruto: Two Blue Vortex in Shueisha's V-Jump magazine on August 20 in Japan. On Wednesday, August 16, the highly anticipated spoilers and raw scans for Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 1 were leaked online.
Fans were sent into a frenzy by this revelation. They were greeted with stunning visuals, one after another. The chapter fast-forwards four years, revealing our beloved characters all grown up and introducing the formidable antagonist Code. Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 1 is shaping up to be a significant event, leaving readers intrigued about the unfolding events.
Final thoughts
Fans can anticipate being captivated by the highly anticipated Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga. This sequel focuses on Boruto Uzumaki and promises an enthralling journey that bridges generations. The beloved Naruto saga continues in this eagerly awaited installment.
Enthusiasts from around the globe can delve into this captivating narrative by accessing official platforms like Viz Media and Shueisha. These platforms offer free access to the story, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the legacy of Naruto as it unfolds through Boruto's adventures. It promises an exciting experience that seamlessly carries on the spirit of its legendary predecessor.