The anime adaptation of Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga concluded its 12-episode run on September 29, 2024, leaving a prominent mark on the fantasy genre. Produced by Actas and Bandai Namco Pictures, the adaptation saw the iconic moments from Fujino Omori (author) and Toshi Aoi's (illustrator) manga come alive in breathtaking animation.
Fans who stuck with the anime's first season till the end may want to know how Will Serfort's story unfolds in the future. Luckily, the anime's official staff renewed the series for a sequel. However, with no release date announced, fans might want to begin the manga. Those fans can start the series from Chapter 20 since Season 1 has covered the manga up to Chapter 19.
Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga can be read from Chapter 20 after Season 1
The anime adaptation of Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga celebrated its finale on September 29, 2024. The series covered the manga up to Chapter 19, ending with the beginning of the Rigarden Academy's graduation exams. As such, interested fans, who want to pick up the manga after watching the anime can begin from Chapter 20, titled Final Exams.
Notably, the anime's official staff has done a decent job in terms of the show's pacing, covering roughly 1.5 chapters per episode. Some episodes also had anime original scenes to enrich the narrative. For example, the final episode offered a new perspective to Lihanna's party, as they discussed the dungeon's horror in the infirmary.
Additionally, the episode witnessed Will Serfort practicing shortly after his recovery, and influencing his new friends to join him in the action. Besides the finale, other episodes had anime original scenes, from Colette and Will finding out about the students gambling ahead of the Grand Magic Festival to other slice-of-life moments.
Likewise, the production studio didn't omit major scenes or panels from the manga throughout the adaptation, which is why, fans might not need to start the manga from the beginning. Yet, considering how Toshi Aoi's art for the fantasy manga is incredibly good, fans can opt to read the manga from the first chapter as well.
Reading Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga from the beginning can offer fans a new perspective to appreciate the art and the narrative. However, fans can also choose to begin the manga from Chapter 20, if they want to find out what happens next to Will Serfort.
Where to read Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga?
Written by Fujino Omori and illustrated by Toshi Aoi, Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga has been serialized in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shonen Magazine since December 2020, with 10 Tankobon volumes released thus far.
Japanese fans can directly read the manga from the magazine every month, or purchase the physical or digital copies of the volumes from stores, such as Amazon. The manga can also be acquired from local bookstores.
On the other hand, international manga lovers can read the chapter in English on Kodansha's K Manga service, since Kodansha USA serializes the series in the English language.
The series follows a monthly release format, with no specified date. New chapters usually drop on K Manga within the first ten days of a month. As of this writing, Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga has released 45 chapters & half.
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- Wistoria: Wand and Sword season 2 officially announced for production
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