Released in 2013, the Corpse Party anime series, which also goes by the name Corpse Party: Tortured Souls, revolves around a group of students who unwittingly find themselves trapped in a haunted school after attempting a friendship ritual. As they navigate through the paranormal horrors, they must find a way to escape the school and uncover the secrets of their eerie confinement while being hunted by vengeful ghosts.
As is evident from the name, the Corpse Party anime series deals with themes that involves graphic violence and gore, making it suitable only for mature audiences. Yet, despite its gruesome themes, it is still watched by horror fanatics.
Adapted from its video game counterpart, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls is available to stream on Crunchyroll in most regions. It's also available for purchase on DVD and Blu-ray from different retailers.
Corpse Party anime: Where to watch and everything we know so far
As stated above, his horror anime series is based on the video game of the same name. Corpse Party is known for its intense violence and graphic depictions, creating a dark and suspenseful atmosphere. From the script of Makoto Kedouin, the short anime series has been directed by Masato Matsune.
The Corpse Party anime initially premiered on Crunchyroll in January 2013. With four episodes, namely Multiple Separation, Broken Hinges, Unreachable Feelings, and Sorrowful Truth, the series has managed to spook even some of the ardent horror fans. As such, the series has been called one of the darkest and most disturbing anime series of recent times.
Unfortunately, this series is not available on any other streaming platform except Crunchyroll. To watch the show, viewers can get any of the available subscriptions provided by the anime streaming website - Fan and Mega Fan (either monthly or yearly plan).
What to expect and cast of the Corpse Party anime
With its ghostly legends and a dark history of staff and student disappearances, Heavenly Host Elementary School has been torn down. In its place, Kisaragi Academy now stands. One rainy night, a group of Kisaragi students decided to perform the chilling 'Sachiko Ever After' charm within the school's walls, hoping to create an everlasting bond of friendship.
However, as they completed the ritual, an unexpected earthquake transported them into a nightmarish reality. To their astonishment, Heavenly Host Elementary School still exists, haunted by vengeful spirits and malevolent apparitions.
In the eerie confines of Heavenly Host, separated and trapped, the students face unknown forces and unravel the chilling secrets of the school's past. Survival becomes their sole objective as supernatural terrors escalate. Together, they must navigate through this harrowing ordeal and uncover the gruesome history of the school in order to escape its horrifying grasp.
Part of the reason for the Corpse Party anime's success is the talented cast of voice actors who brings the characters in Corpse Party to life. Asami Imai voices Ayumi Shinozaki, Hiroshi Kamiya portrays Satoshi Mochida, Eri Kitamura plays Naomi Nakashima, Rina Satou voices Seiko Shinohara, Satomi Arai brings Yuka Mochida to life, Tetsuya Kakihara portrays Yoshiki Kishinuma, Miyu Matsuki voices Mayu Suzumoto, Yuu Kobayashi gives voice to Yui Shishido, and Ikue Ohtani embodies the malevolent spirit Sachiko Shinozaki.
With their skilled performances, they bring the thrilling and chilling mysteries of Heavenly Host Elementary School to life as the characters confront their darkest fears to survive.