Based on Akihiro Ononaka's eponymous manga, the Gushing Over Magical Girls anime premiered on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, causing a massive buzz in the anime community. From an intriguing narrative to remarkable characters, the fantasy-comedy anime has all the recipes to become one of the gems of this Winter 2024 session.
Given that the series has already become a fascinating subject of discussion among anime enthusiasts, fans want to know where they can stream the series outside of Japan. Luckily, it's possible to watch Gushing Over Magical Girls anime in select regions, thanks to the streaming platform, Hidive.
Gushing Over Magical Girls anime is available for streaming on HIDIVE in selected regions
There's no doubt that the Gushing Over Magical Girls anime has made a huge uproar in the anime community, following its debut on January 3, 2024. It's one of the few anime this Winter 2024 season that seamlessly blends the elements of fantasy and comedy.
While the show is scheduled to air every Wednesday at 11:30 pm on Lantis, AT-X, and other channels in Japan, international audiences can rest assured because HIDIVE has acquired the show's global streaming rights.
In other words, the HIDIVE platform will simulcast the episodes as they air. Besides this series, the streaming platform has also licensed The Dangers in My Heart season 2, Chained Soldier, My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered, and other titles for the Winter 2024 session.
Fans would like to know that HIDIVE streams the Gushing over Magical Girls worldwide, excluding Asia and Central and South America. Notably, anime enthusiasts would require a subscription to watch the anime on this streaming platform.
The subscription price for HIDIVE is $4.99 a month or $47.99 per year. This platform is accessible in the United States, the UK, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, South Africa, and other selected regions.
Besides HIDIVE, this Magical Girl anime can also be watched on Aniplus TV in South Korea, along with many other titles. Unfortunately, popular streaming platforms, such as Crunchyroll, Netflix, Prime Video, or Disney Plus aren't streaming this series yet.
Further, chances of the series coming to the aforementioned platforms seem bleak, given how the anime has already dropped an episode on HIDIVE. Nevertheless, fans belonging to the selected regions can enjoy watching Utena Hiiragi going about her business in the Gushing Over Magical Girls anime.
About Gushing Over Magical Girls anime's plot
Masato Suzuki and Atsushi Otsuki are directing the anime at Asahi Production Studios, with Noboru Kimura composing the series' scripts and Yasuka Otaki designing the characters. Notably, Yasuhari Takanashi is listed as the series' music composer.
Gushing Over Magical Girls anime follows the story of Utena Hiiragi, who was always fascinated by magical girls. She even once harbored the dream of transforming into a beautiful magical heroine and fighting evils.
One day, a doll-like creature approaches, and reveals that she has magical powers lying dormant within her. Although she was excited at first, her colorful dreams are shattered once she transforms into a villain.
Refusing to side with evil forces, she tries to quit being a villainess magic girl. However, at that moment, a group of magical girls arrive and declare an unforeseen war. With the battle raging on, Utena discovers that she actually loves inflicting pain on others.
She finds a different side to her that she didn't know existed within. As such, the anime sees Utena Hiiragi, a "villain," fighting against the magical girls, and awakening her sadistic tendencies.
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2024 progresses.