The 2016 series Lastman, is a recent inclusion in the French animation industry based on the epic comic series by Bastien Vives. It takes the original narrative to new heights through its stunning animation, compelling storytelling, and unforgettable characters. With its gripping plot, unique visual style, and remarkable voice acting, Lastman has solidified its place as a standout animated series.
The action series is widely inspired by anime and with its gripping narrative, stunning visuals, and distinct blend of genres, Lastman has earned its place as a beloved and influential series in the world of comics.
Is Lastman (2016-2022) available for streaming online?
The French animated series Lastman is not available for streaming globally. Currently, both seasons of the series can only be streamed in France, the country of its origin, on the following platforms- Canal+,, Amazon Prime Video, and ADN Animation Digital Network.
The adult animated series is in the French language, based on the comic series of the same name by Bastien Vivès and Balak, with illustrations by Vivès and Michaël Sanlaville. The series, which runs for two seasons, serves as a prequel to the original comics and focuses the narrative on Richard Aldana, who acted as a mentor to Adran Velba in the original comic series.
One of the defining aspects of Lastman is its visually striking animation. The series adopts a novel blend of traditional 2D animation and CGI to create a captivating and immersive visual experience. The character designs retain the distinctive style of the comic series, with their sharp lines, expressive features, and detailed costumes. The environments are meticulously crafted, bringing the vibrant city of Paxtown and its inhabitants to life.
The series's influence extends beyond its immediate success. It has contributed to the revitalization and recognition of French comics both within France and internationally. Its ability to seamlessly blend different genres and create a captivating narrative has inspired other creators to experiment with storytelling techniques, pushing the boundaries of the comic book medium.
Lastman has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base since its premiere. It is the recipient of numerous awards and accolades, both in France and internationally, solidifying its reputation as a standout animated series. The series's success has helped bring the creative realm of French animation to a global spotlight, showcasing the talent and creativity within the industry.
Following are some of the main characters of the show along with their respective voice cast:
- Martial Le Minoux as Richard Aldana
- Maëlys Ricordeau as Siri
- Céline Melloul as Annabelle Chang
- Claire Baradat as Tracy
- Emmanuel Karsen as Max
- Stéphane Ronchewski as Eric Rose
- William Coryn as Rizel
- Barbara Beretta as Tomie Katana
- Vincent Ropion as Howard McKenzie
- Patrick Bethune as Dave McKenzie
Here is how the comic series Lastman is summarized on its official Wikipedia page:
In the "Valley of Kings", a world where magic is acknowledged as reality, an annual grand tournament sponsored by the King and Queen is being prepared. Young Adrian Velba works all year in the combat school of Master Jansen to participate. "
It adds:
"Sadly, Adrian's partner suddenly falls ill and deserts. Since it is a duo tournament, the young boy is forced to give up his dream... until Richard Aldana, a hunk with bearish manners comes out of nowhere to unexpectedly ally himself with Adrian."
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