Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury is a new anime series that has quickly become a fan favorite among science-fiction anime enthusiasts.The second season of the show, which premiered on April 9, 2023, chronicles the experiences of Mobile Suit pilot Suletta Mercury, who must negotiate the complexity of existing in the Gundam world while battling personal demons and the mysteries of her past as she gradually becomes more enmeshed in political turmoil and interpersonal relationships.
Fans of the Mobile Suit Gundam series will value the fresh approach to the original Gundam paradigm, while those unfamiliar with the subgenre will find the show to be engrossing and approachable. The Witch From Mercury is an anime that is guaranteed to become an enduring fan favorite because of its amazing animation, thrilling combat, and emphasis on nuanced, well-written characters.
Where to watch Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury? Streaming platforms explored
The Witch from Mercury can officially be watched on the GUNDAM.INFO YouTube channel in Asia (which involves the Philippines) and some regions of Oceania. In addition to GUNDAM.INFO, the series is also available for streaming on the Ani-One Asia YouTube channel in a few Asian nations/regions.
New episodes of The Witch from Mercury, which are now streaming on Crunchyroll outside of Asia Pacific, come out every weekend. Specifically, Crunchyroll streams the most recent Gundam anime in North America and most of the rest of the world (aside from Asia and some of Oceania). This implies that fans from outside the Asian region can also watch the show here.
Through Ani-One, the Gundam anime is available in the following nations -- Fiji, Guam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Northern Mariana Island, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Philippines, Samoa, Seychelles, Laos, Macau, Singapore, Solomon Island, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.
Everything we know so far about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
The anime is set in a future where the human race has colonized space, and mankind is divided into three major factions -- the Earth House, the Lunar Republic, and the Ochs Earth Corporation. In this world, giant humanoid robots called Mobile Suits are used for combat on both land and in space, and their pilots are trained by specialized guilds called Gundam Houses.
Suletta Mercury, a teenage pilot from Earth House who is accepted into the famous Asticassia School of Technology, which prepares students from all three factions to become top pilots, is the protagonist of the show. At school, she learns the truth about her origins and the Gundam Suit she controls and becomes embroiled in the growing struggle between Earth House and the Lenar Republic.
Gundam Ace magazine has announced a spin-off of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury anime. Written by Ko Yoneyama and drawn by Chika Tojo, this manga tells the tale of Vilda, a cursed witch who journeys throughout the devastated globe years after the tragic Vanadis tragedy.
In addition to expanding on the environment and primary characters of the plot, the project will provide fans with an exciting side story to explore while they watch the anime's second season.
The Witch from Mercury is a must-watch for lovers of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise and everyone who appreciates science-fiction anime because of its strong female lead, dramatic combat, and engaging narrative.